The first step to solving a problem is to identify the problem. Then you spend 6-18 months gathering data to make very sexy graphs for your slideshows letting you document the gradual decrease in fucks given.
The first step to solving a problem is to identify the problem. Then you spend 6-18 months gathering data to make very sexy graphs for your slideshows letting you document the gradual decrease in fucks given.
It’s not about noting down that something happened, it’s about noting down that you cared about that thing happening. You don’t note things down you don’t care about.
slop is just low quality garbage. It’s 4chan complaining that modern media is bad. And to add in a sprinkle of their beloved antisemitism, it’s bad on purpose because it’s intended for goys (non-jews)
Back in 2016 I managed to get all of my gaming friends on discord simply by saying “It’s like Skype but it doesn’t suck”
We simply needed something that worked and let us do voip calls without having to jump through the hoops of setting up ventrilo, mumble or teamspeak. Skype was so aggressively bad that any alternative was like finding a waterpark in the middle of the desert.
The market is rational, that’s why casinos have so many customers!
Lets hope this is one of those patents that they never do anything with while simultaneously denying everyone else the opportunity to do it.
Like that 2009 Sony patent that makes you get up from your seat and yell out the name of the brand to end an ad.