Only if it actually worked as the salespeople said it does
That’s the thing. It’s been talked about for over a year now, but LLM “AI” won’t ever lead to AGI. It doesn’t matter how big you make the model, it’s never going to actually qualify.
Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.
Only if it actually worked as the salespeople said it does
That’s the thing. It’s been talked about for over a year now, but LLM “AI” won’t ever lead to AGI. It doesn’t matter how big you make the model, it’s never going to actually qualify.
Sorry, I should have been clear, I by no means thought you were hating on it!
I’m literally just hearing about Revolt now. And I’ve had a bad day so far, that obviously came through in my previous comment. I’m sorry, rereading my last comment, it’s a bit belligerent.
Thanks for taking the time to explain like I’m 5 and throwing a tantrum. 🤦 Sorry again.
- File size limits on the default instance are 20mb.
But it’s configurable right? Should be looking through configurations anyway.
- Its not federated.
I’d argue that not everything needs to be federated. Some things would definitely benefit from federation, but I’m not entirely sure that this is one of them.
- It’s not encrypted.
This IS a bit of a major negative. But point 2 and point 3 seems to be in conflict. I’m definitely not an expert, and don’t pretend to be. But to my limited, layman’s, knowledge wouldn’t being federated and encrypted not really work out? What would be the point in encrypting all communication between the server instance and client, to then federate it out to other servers?
I’m not trying to be contrarian here, I’m really asking, is that something that would:
Or is the lack of encryption a security risk for server operators? I’m not getting the point, obviously. And I’d like to know what your thinking on this is.
Yeah, that works too
That’s the thing. They always were shit, just with Trump’s War on Woke, they now feel like the money they’ve always spent on good will of the public, DEI programs, keeping a muzzle on the racist/misogynistic/bigoted person running the company isn’t really needed. Now all that “wasted” money can go where it belongs…into shareholder profits.
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
So…I guess it kinda seems like a .gif vs .gif sorta situation, we’ll never come to a consensus, there will forever be disparate camps chuckling under their breath at all the “idiots” that can’t even pronounce SearXNG right…the fools…
Well, guess I’ll sleep on it and join a camp some day… le sigh
Fuck! I’d completely forgotten about that! What a fucking mongrel…
Always wondered how the fuck I’m supposed to say that.
Sur X N G?
Search engine?
Righto, pop that on the list. Thanks 👍
This specifically? Or like all of it together?
Yes to both though.
Significantly more.
I’m sure the synthetic oilly shit has a wonderful reaction with that unprotected stainless steel.
Not to mention that depending on force of the throw, and precise angle of the impact of cheese slice, the thing could start falling apart.
… which now I think about it, also explains the:
“hey police, someone threw cheese at my car, I’m in fear for my life.”
Seem to have forgotten NFT. Swear to fuck, if some firm thought their customers really were that dumb, they’d have claimed that every bottle of their milk had an integrated NFT and the lactose protein was backed by the Blockchain™.
Game is such a fucking gem. I gotta do a replay soon.
They are just taking the mask off since they don’t have to wear it right now.
Cuts into profit margins pretending to not be a threat to the continued existence of the species and ecosystem as a whole. Gotta buy that 15th mega-yacht.
Something something, I’ll bring the BBQ sauce.
It’s like every company that was
n’t completeplaying the social good will game and didn’t appear at a casual glance to be shit just suddenly decided to…goto complete shit.masks off, because they saw it might finally be acceptable to be ghouls again.
Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure I FTFY. Wish it weren’t so, but that’s definitely what it looks like…
Absolutely not. There’s not a single app on my phone that I willingly give unrestricted access to my location data. At most I allow “while using the app” and have my phone set to ask for permission for background running.
And you also have a type there! 😉
Dope, I’ll give it a go 👍
Anyone have a decent Android alternative? Updated my phone last night and this morning got a notification that Firefox had full permissions for accessing my location data. I’d like to move away from Firefox before enshitification is in full swing.
If libertarians could read, they’d be devastated!