As often as not, I’m using nano on the command line. It’s available in Windows through WSL.
Being honest, WSL makes running Windows so much easier.
As often as not, I’m using nano on the command line. It’s available in Windows through WSL.
Being honest, WSL makes running Windows so much easier.
I’m not a fan of their MacOS based products, but I prefer iOS for the fact that I can rely on getting timely updates. For a good long while. That is not something that is generally true with Android. I’m fine with paying for that level of support.
Last time I looked, no Android vendors provided close to the same level of support.
That said, if I was a business and needed to field in house apps to mobile devices, everyone would be getting an Android device. Custom apps for iOS are a pain in the ass.
About time!
Depending on what you are trying to do, not necessarily. NextCloud itself doesn’t really care, as far as I know, as long as it’s address doesn’t change. AIO on the other hand is setup in such a way that it needs a resolvable domain name and a valid certificate for https.
This could be done by spinning up your own certificate authority and dns server, but that is a lot of extra work and would be local network access only.
Another way would be to use a free domain and a free certificate from let’s encrypt. The downside here is that the domain authority could yank your domain at any time, for any reason (as happened to all of the free .ml domains recently). At which point your certificate would also stop working resulting in a situation where you may have to nuke and pave.
If you want to be local access only, I would pick an install path other than AIO. If you want to be able to access NextCloud remotely, purchase a domain name.
A VPN, such as TailScale would be considered local network in this situation.
I was just about to post this.
I’m 37 and have long believed I will never actually be able to retire, and yet a large chunk of what I earn goes to so called retirement!
I’ll be honest, I had forgotten MySpace was a thing back then. Every single page I went to was gaudy as hell and took forever to load on my dial up connection at the time. I’m a little surprised they’re still around. And damn, it looks a lot different!
RHEL is dead easy to pirate. https://developers.redhat.com/products/rhel/overview A developer account is needed (it’s free) but after that you’re golden.
For about the last 15 years, I would agree with the school board’s lawyers. At this point is is kinda an occupational hazard, kinda like vehicle accidents are for me as a truck driver.
Should it be normalized? I would say too late. Should teachers be payed more as a result? I’m a little surprised anyone is will to take the job as is even if the wages were doubled.
School board can’t do much except try to minimize the current threat and teachers aren’t allowed to do anything to minimize the threat going forward, lest they be accused of indoctrinating children. So, ya, it’s an occupational hazard.
Single use or the reusable bottles?
My wife bought a filter jug but still would rather buy single use bottles of water. She thinks I’m nuts for drinking straight out the tap. 😂
Whoops, sorry! I keep forgetting The NY Times has two share buttons.
It’s a nationwide company, mostly doing less then truckload hauls. Mostly saw them around bigger cities. Teamsters outfit, like most of the LTL companies. When I first started in the trucking industry it was called YRC, I think.
Was wondering how long it would take.
Does anyone actually use LXD? I never could figure out the deal with this.
So I figured. I’m all for the 2nd Amendment, but the fear-mongering on both sides of the aisle really needs to stop.
Here’s an idea! Don’t trust Google or rely on their products.
Damn, that meme is cursed. I feel like I need to wash my eyes with bleach now.
One of my senators (Senator Tubberville) is attempting to force his religious beliefs onto the military. Specifically he seems to have a problem with the military supporting family planning. To do that he has been holding up confirmations of military officers. As a result of his actions, we have lost out on a new military base, our nation’s national security has been put at risk and he has made Alabama an even bigger laughingstock than it already was.
As you may have guessed, I am not a fan of his.
So…. Are the Republicans in Colorado trying to ensure a Democratic Party victory?
I currently use Jellyfin to stream my music collection. It’s all stored on my NAS and I can give access to whomever I like. Downside is that the iOS music client, FinAmp, is… not pretty. It’s functional, but not great. I understand the player situation to be a bit better on the Android side.