A quote from the judge according to the article:
“I just can’t believe being evicted would justify picking up a handgun in that small of a space with children present”
What I find particularly concerning about this is that this implies that being evicted would justify picking up a handgun provided you’re not in an enclosed space with children present. Why in the actual fuck would there be any further qualification after “I just can’t believe being evicted would justify picking up a handgun”. Full stop. You’re being evicted. You fucked up. Firearms don’t belong in that conversation at all with the only possible exception I can think of being if you are being directly and illegally threatened with a firearm.
As long as our military budget is measured in trillions of dollars I think we can afford to feed even this scumbag on the . 0000001% off-chance that he’s not guilty. It kind of sucks, don’t get me wrong, but IMHO the death penalty isn’t the answer. Not only do I feel like even one wrongful execution is far too many, I also feel like in some ways a quick and painless death is sort of going easy. I say make him live out the rest of his natural born life as a prisoner that will have this on his conscious, provided he has one, for the rest of his days.