Slide to the bathroom faster for your awesome piss.
Slide to the bathroom faster for your awesome piss.
This sounds wrong. Wasn’t there some big lawsuit between Microsoft and Netscape?
This whole thing about MS claiming they couldn’t decouple their web browser from their operating system?
Didn’t they have some anti-gay-marriage CEO for a while?
What island does ketchup come from?
I use shift and the scroll wheel. That’s on Ubuntu though. Not sure about other OSes.
I also like remake.
What is a 15k account?
What is a computer?
I think some of the larger instances accept user donations. And smaller instances are just paid for by the owner.
He can know my location, or he can know my speed, but he can’t know both.
Missed opportunity to go the Queen route and put “anyone can seat.”
He spends his time launching spy satellites and creating pandemics.
It’s for psychopaths.
Meat food successfully identified.
The study of magenta.