I think the Pentagon Wars is about as close as it gets for now. Not about programming of course but all about company bureaucracy and feature creep
I think the Pentagon Wars is about as close as it gets for now. Not about programming of course but all about company bureaucracy and feature creep
I also remember a behind the scenes thing about the Hobbit talking about specifically the cameras they were using added a colour hue that required them to make all the makeup much more red. So if you see on-set photos/video they all look really red/flushed in order to compensate for the high speed camera colour shifting
How old are they? We bought an LG TV 1 or 2 years ago and it has a lot of online features and keeps prompting me to make an account and accept various terms and conditions for their advertising or to let them listen to the microphone and such. I think it’s mostly optional but they don’t make it easy to opt out
Me too, and I remember in the mid 2000’s before flat screens took off the biggest CRT you could get was 36", or there may have been a 40" but it was ultra expensive. One thing though is that the wider aspect ratio of modern tvs inflates the size number if you were to watch 3:4 aspect shows on a modern tv you are losing a bunch of viewing area on the sides.
Regardless, modern tvs are indeed insanely huge, and I’m loving it.
It’s measuring the distance to your nearest copy of Sid Myers alpha centari
How did you find crowdstrikes test plan?
Here in Canada at least they have both at the moment. You can use the drive thru as usual or order through the app and give them a code at the drive thru or just park in a numbered spot and have them bring it out to you without ever talking to someone
I just hate how companies cling to agile like it’s some kind of cult. Like a company I know gave all the employees very nice swag embroidered with a big “agile development” slogan on it like your development methodology is supposed to be a source of pride or something. Of course like most companies they don’t really follow agile practice very much except where they can use it as an excuse to skimp on requirements and such.
Newsgroups go over an encrypted connection so no need to mess with VPNs and torrent boxes etc. subscribe to one or two nzb sites, a news group host and wire it up with somarr locally.
Just wait until you find out about news groups 🤯
December from '22 not '23. The image was from a few months after he took over twitter and was still going on about that stuff and how it was doing all these useless things that needed to be removed or rewritten. I just remembered another one about how he was going on about a single request to twitter causing thousands of RPCs or something? I think that’s not really unheard of in a microservices infrastructure and it’s not like they’d be synchronous. There’s probably tons of calls that go to things like tracking, analytics, or cross DC sharing I would imagine for such a large and high volume service like twitter.
When he took over twitter there was a bunch of stuff he was spouting about things like Twitter’s stack needing a full rewrite and such. Going so far as to fire the engineer that challenged him on it during a live spaces thing if I recall correctly.
They did make the leaf plus that has decent range with the same formfactor though. Also I’m quite sure the batteries are not in the trunk, unless that’s where they put the extras in the plus version or something? Our 2015 leaf had significantly more trunk space than our brand new bolt despite being of similar dimensions. The bolt does have better rear leg room though.
The main issues with the leaf stem from not having any active heating/cooling for the battery and using an uncommon plug for level 3 charging that is going the way of the dodo. If you live in a temporate climate and don’t need to fast charge for road trips the leaf is a totally acceptable car IMO.
In an interview about silicon valley the creators said they interviewed a lot of people in the industry and had to actually cut out a bunch of stuff because it wouldn’t be believable by people outside the industry. One small example was the valuation. The VC people they talked to said pied piper would have gotten a lot more money than what ended up being in the show