For the user asking for ways, the user needs ways not just one way out of a single amazon service.
We all have a choice. To stand, not kneel. To oppose, not obey. To live, not just exist
For the user asking for ways, the user needs ways not just one way out of a single amazon service.
Amazon is more than a shop. You can’t escape amazon web services.
The lingering feeling of instability. This is my second install of OpenSUSE, after I messed up something leading to my computer having some files which it wanted to update, but using urls which didn’t exist. After this, I’ve been feeling a bit insecure and afraid of doing something that ruins my installation. I know there’s the saying that Linux ‘just works’, but I’ve never messed up a Windows installation…
Regarding this. How often did you mess your windows installation when you started? Because I started around 8 years old with MSDOS and I screwed Windows many times, eventually I learnt what to do and what not.
Regarding software today it’s easier than it’s ever been in Linux. With flatpack, appimages and the different repos.
Anyway there is this scene in the show “Bojack Horseman” where the titular character was trying to do some exercise by running up a hill and he is tired, exhausted, another characters pass by and says: “It gets easier”, “uh?” answers Bojack, “It gets easier but you have to do it every day, that’s the hard part”.
What that means is, it will get easier, specially when you are young, but you have to be constant, you have to keep messing around and do backups.
That being said, I am huge fan of opensuse and debian but eventually on my desktop I went with endeavour-os, the only time I screwed it up it was easy to fix it by using the live-iso editing the config files and fixed, now I keep a journal when I change anything :)
Betterbird wouldn’t exist without thunderbird though. Same with all those firefox forks people are recommending, if Firefox goes under most of those would go under too.
I don’t even have kids and I have protection in place at home to block devices from accessing sites, not exclusively porn tho, gambling and social networks.
Porn can be bad, okay, but if we taught our kids properly it’s not that bad and curiosity is ok. Gambling is terrible and more and more people are getting addicted to it.
Fuck government paternalism.
I rather buy another Korean or Japanese car. As an European except for the electric r5 I have no interest in European car makers, much less from a company that should have disappeared after dieselgate.
Funny how you say “my communities” and then “discords run them”.
It’s already bad enough that a lot of dry cat food in the market has grain (and the high cost of grainless alternatives) to even considering giving vegan food to a cat pffff.
Vegan cat food? What the frak, poor cats.
Mumble, wire, etc
Matrix (element?) can do everything Discord does.
I don’t know why people trusted Discord, it’s one of the worst platforms and I say this while I use it because I had to settle for that (friends) like I had to settle for WhatsApp (family and work)
Irc was better for chat, ventilo and mumble better for audio, and matrix is pretty much the same but better. Discord sucks like Twitter did and I can’t wait for it to go away. And forums are a better platform for help and documentation.
Thank God I convinced my fiancee to move our VCs to Wire, away from WhatsApp and Discord.
Spain in this is close to any dictatorship. Basically some big companies (Movistar/O2 and digi for example) are blocking everything behind cloudflare when there is a football game because of piracy.
People have reported not being able to work, to access amazon and many other legit sites during games and all because a judge gave La Liga power to order the blocking of webpages without a judicial order, and of course since they can’t know the IP behind cloudflare sites they just block IPs from cloudflare.
And yet people keep pirating because we have VPNs, and new sites popup every time. No one wants to pay over 100€ monthly to watch football, specially when most people only watch 1 or 2 games per week.
What do you use now instead of cloudflare?
The selfhosting movement sets people free in general.
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Okay, give me a number and I’ll call you now.
You can do all that with KDE without using the terminal.
But, I won’t talk about software because even distributions have their own way to install them without terminal and there is flatpak from a corporate perspective you dont want users to install software on their own.
Users don’t even know how they organize their files, the difference between sharepoint, teams or onedrive. Of course they can’t use a terminal but they would never need to like users in windows don’t handle updates, their IT do.
but after a couple times you’re left with no choice but to let it run.
That would be an user issue then. If I have an update I’ll try to do it asap, if I can’t then end of my shift.
Look I didn’t mean my reply as: “you suck, you should post every way possible to get away from amazon” but as a “there are some things out of our control and we cannot escape from them unless we don’t use the internet at all”
Getting away from amazon as a shop is kinda easy, just don’t shop there, thanks for providing alternative shops though.