My dude you said you’d make their life living hell, the fact that you don’t consider that harassment says a lot about the kind of person you are. No wonder you’re so unhappy.
My dude you said you’d make their life living hell, the fact that you don’t consider that harassment says a lot about the kind of person you are. No wonder you’re so unhappy.
Some people just need any excuse to get mad and feel like they have control over something.
You don’t give a fuck about but you’re here foaming at the mouth about it.
Your first grade reading comprehension is showing.
This isn’t Reddit though.
Too niche and the people who are paying for premium podcast content also probably feel more like supporters of content creators then someone buying a big studio movie.
I dunno, the only place I’ve seen people claiming that everyone’s just shitting on musk for points is the Internet. So Im not gonna trust it and assume musk is a human garbage pile.
How is it for mobile though? All of my web interaction is through my android
What’s next about that is if they had activity bothered to treat the case seriously and bumbled their paperwork so hard the judge ruled against them.
The irony of this being commented on a social media post is amazing.
That’s not how things work here.
Okay but like that’s how it should be. If it becomes a problem deal with it. Your appendix can burst, should we just preemptively remove it in new borns too?
While I wouldn’t be against that, the DNC will find some way to stop him from being able to gain any chance.
Because then they don’t have to come up with technobabble to disguise what the fees are, can you imagine if they actually listed “yatcht fee” the peasents would revolt.
It’s the second one. I saw article where they talked how Florida was the first to pass it, pornhub put time and money into developing what they needed to comply and saw a 90% decrease in traffic because nobody wants to hand over their ID for free porn.
The studio dissolved from my understand the rights for the IP are in a void where nobody technically owns them and the entire franchise is abandonware at this point.
I just want to be able to play black and white\black and white 2 with out having to pirate and crack and do a bunch of work arounds.
(Okay really what I want is a black and white reboot using the PS5 and taking advantage of the duel sense touch pad for the spell casting)
This won’t actually do anything from my understanding though. I thought this wasn’t going to change the private sales between people walking around gun shows from selling to each other, just the vendors in booths who are already required to do back ground checks.