FREEBSD >0.009% RAAAAAH 👹👹👹💪💪💪💪💪🦾🔥🔥🔥
Proud cs and unix nerd, i bite sometimes
FREEBSD >0.009% RAAAAAH 👹👹👹💪💪💪💪💪🦾🔥🔥🔥
Theres no way to do that for posts apparently https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/issues/1048
I don’t use arch BTW but it’s probably the wine update cause i’m on opensuse tw
Its another half baked content pack with a few focus trees for probably >10€. Theres a reason people pirate paradox dlcs.
quick AZERTY users this is the time to show we exist!
When installing gnome using apt it should prompt you at some point which display manager (aka login screen) you want to use. Just choose the one that’s not gdm and your login screen wont change. Generally its easy to install a new desktop. Just do “sudo apt install the_desktop_environment” and change the chosen desktop environment on your login screen when logging in (there should be some slider or button for that).
The streisand effect is beautiful
This is way too early especially for people running nvidia or still relying on software that can’t work properly on wayland. I guess im sticking to xfce for a long while
Geany gang assemble
10k euro fine 😧😧😧
A lot of them are on youtube and can be ytdled (thanks to the random heroes who upload them full)
“Don’t worry, i’ll make sure they don’t spy on you… Because only I can”
Unbreakably stable, cohesive (no need to fit and manage tens of different pieces to get a get a functionning OS), performant, bhyve, BSD licensed (can be a pro or con tho). It has quite a lot of stuff that makes it worthy of Linux or other BSDs.
EDIT: Almost forgot ZFS.
J’aime ce moimoi!
The only reason youtube still exists with no viable alternative (for the populace) is the sheer amount of content thats uploaded on the platform and creators already being there as well as the difficulty/cost of sustaining a service that stores and serves video. There are so many platforms that do youtube’s job as well if not much better than it but that will never rival it because youtube simply has all the content and content creators.
EDIT: imo odysee and peertube are the best alternatives we currently have but they will sadly never make youtube fear a single bit for their market share
Totally not related to recent events