Next you’ll tell me all those cheap Chinese routers would allow our very telecommunications infrastructure to be hacked unless we’re using end-to-end encryption.
Next you’ll tell me all those cheap Chinese routers would allow our very telecommunications infrastructure to be hacked unless we’re using end-to-end encryption.
These strategies have existed and have been deployed in the past. “Them” have always existed and have been exploited to more/less success.
So what’s changed this cycle?
I first became aware of the Yes Men after they apologized for the Dow/Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal. Just wanted to share,
Thanks, I discarded my sarcasm detector in early 2017
People are desperate and Trump is unpredictable. They ‘know’ the Dems aren’t helping them, so Trump might accidentally do it!
Are you telling me the system is so rigged, that they’ll get themselves absolved for any past wrongdoing at the cost of sending everyone checks for $6.72?
These class action lawsuits are modern day indulgences, change my mind.
They couldn’t get it right before enshittification has gripped everything.
The companies involved, the industry, and the regulators currently can’t be trusted; this project should be killed.
I use AliExpress for all the little items in my life that can fail without any real problem.
I need a comb and get 2/$1 to my door. $3/4/5 each in a physical store for the same. I don’t think you’re appreciating how often these are literally the same products.
The retail sector has long ago entered enshittification. I’m not blind to the real people working in the field, but paying more for a product does not increase the chance of any positive environmental or social outcome. Feeding the beast, feeds their investors.
There is no ethical consumption.
“It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times”
Here’s the link, I tried to clean up the trackers, https://youtu.be/0Vd2gYRF_XQ
“and only if you” openly admit it. Can you imagine what a plea deal looks like if prosecution isn’t a slam dunk case?
“We don’t admit any wrong, but here’s a donation to the officers benevolent organization.”