It’s the biggest one still federated with .world with that filter.
It’s the biggest one still federated with .world with that filter.
Aw yeah, 14mpg, two distinct oil leaks, and cabins full of mold because the vintage weather strips failed forty years ago. (I drive a late 90s pickup and am acutely aware of the tradeoffs that come with older cars, even ones that are maintained relatively well.)
That doesn’t scale to larger games. Rust, for instance, has servers with many hundreds of players (and a huge cheating problem). MMOs will have thousands (and constantly fight bots). The nature of massive, real-time games makes self-policing solutions like votekick or manual whitelists infeasible. Manually investigating user reports is slow. And you pointed out the problems with different kinds of anticheat.
It’s easy to see the allure of root-level monitoring, with all that in mind. Both for developers and players oblivious to or willing to accept the risk. Of course, it also isn’t a silver bullet…
If you carefully cultivate your subscriptions and watching habits it’s not bad. I get mostly stuff I’m subscribed to, a movie cut into thirty second chunks (right now it’s Braveheart), tv clips with one of three pieces of music overlaid, a mix of benign recommendations that are mostly meh but sometimes funny, and thirst traps. So… it’s not good but I do sometimea see something worth following.
It used to be worse, I think abandoning guntubers was the right call. I used to have Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson pushed at me.
It’s a factor. Coke, Diet Coke, and Coke Zero all taste different regardless so individual preferences are guaranteed.
The problem has morphed into “decent people don’t want to join the racist psycho gang for any amount of money” and I don’t see that changing without radical reforms.
Because they get to feel better than somebody.
People are indeed buying Super Soakers instead of just using a hose.
The point of this comparison is that they aren’t at all the same thing. People don’t want things that barely work and few have the time to learn new skills to craft what they want in an acceptable quality. Could any able-bodied adult pick up a knife and whittle themself a spoon? Probably. Most of those spoons are going to suck though and you can get one at Target for a couple bucks. It’s a position that feels out of touch.
I’m all for taking care of what you have and repairing rather than replacing when possible, and I’d love to collectively move away from plastic crap, but saying “just learn to make bread with all the free time and functional kitchen you for sure have” helps nobody except the speaker patting themself on the back.
Flexible sure but not exactly easy. There’s a lot of choices to make at every level and many of the feats have prerequisite, earlier feats so you functionally have to plan your entire expected progression up front.
I don’t want 25 cents worth of checkerboard, I want a decent wooden object that doesn’t make me feel like I live in a dumpster. And most people want a sturdy piece of decorated, folding cardboard that will last a century if nobody spills juice on it.
Your position sounds a lot like “why do you kids need Super Soakers anyway, we have a perfectly good hose.”
The inverse is more impressive to me.
But it can be defeated by trying slightly harder. Multiple characters, inconsistencies, adding slang and loanwords, the same tricks we’ve always used to get around censors and oversight.
Of course we’d have to keep it out of their training data and constantly change it… cyberpunk future is exhausting already.
w3 c@n @1w@y5 60 b@ck 2 1337
Joke’s on you, the geometry of my toilet means that sit-and-pissers splash into the bottom of the seat so I have to clean the rim way more often than I used to!
“End of life care” is entirely optional. I’m not going to waste away in a hospital bed, that’s for sure.
European bees wouldn’t be as big of a problem if people didn’t tear down native shrubs and import European plants. Plant native! Garden wild! Stop using pesticides!
describes every domesticated animal
Yes please performance class tiered licensing.
We’ve been a deeply racist and violent country for longer than we’ve been a country. Built on genocide and slavery. We didn’t properly address our failures when we had the chance (Civil War should have ended with a new constitution and drastically different political structure to keep militant bigots from gaining power) and now we have this.
Remote start of any kind is a luxury and it’s wild to me that someone would defend internet car controls as any way important or even desirable. That’s what I’m talking about. Physical keys work totally fine and add like two seconds of time to the process.
It’s more that .ml is the biggest instance with that filter that will show up on .world, the biggest instance overall. So statistically, unless they are specifically looking at instances with automatic slur post filtering, this is the situation they will notice it in. They aren’t seeing the content differently, the removed is happening at the post so it’s the same experience for everybody.