We should all start asking around our local auto shops that handle software and ask if they disable gps or internet services.
It’s not illegal to modify your own vehicle (yet) so jailbreaking these shitty cars would be an awesome service.
We should all start asking around our local auto shops that handle software and ask if they disable gps or internet services.
It’s not illegal to modify your own vehicle (yet) so jailbreaking these shitty cars would be an awesome service.
I would change banks after that
It’s gonna be really funny when he gets all his skin ripped off by a violent mob.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Every movement is demonized by the billionaire media, whether or not people agree with it. Consent is effectively manufactured for our government to crush dissent on behalf of their donors.
If you come up with something let me know, but in the mean time we will probably see more vigilanties.
It’s just a historical fact
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
It should be forced to be logical and predictable because Capitalists have made it so the stock market is the only way to really save for retirement.
Our society and economy shouldn’t be a fun game for the whales to win at the expense of the rest of us.
Because they play for the same team
Religious conservatives are trained from childhood to unwaveringly believe things that can’t be proven, and teaches that malice is the only acceptable way to get dopamine.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
There’s a current effort being made by games companies who see themselves as a competitor to valve to sow criticisms of Valve in online spaces.
A ton of it is inorganic.
Too bad the billionaires just bought the government of the United States
Let me know when you figure out how to peacefully redistribute the wealth of people who want to rule the world
Machine Learning is doing the same pattern recognition tasks we have been using it for for over 10 years now in medicine and simialr fields.
AI is a scam and LLMs don’t add any more ability than what these Machine Learning algorithms have already had for like 1-2 decades
They can’t even replace call center jobs, what we want from AI is not possible with our current models (OpenAI Director and others said so) and nobody knows what future models even would be because we’ve been developing this approach for over 20 years now.
Really insane that companies will pay for memes like this to be posted but refuse to develop viable competition
And all of this social media shit is a distraction from real problems in the world. This is what our government does to run out the clock and prevent meaningful change.
Unfortunately nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
The rich are trying to pivot the Trump vicory into world domination before we can organize and dethrone the oligarchy.
Google/Meta helping to spread misinformation is a big part of that.
I wish I was kidding.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Literally no difference between that and Lemmy.
It’s all social media and all has the same effect on us
Turns out we know we’re all being spyed on constantly and don’t really care what authoritarian shithole (US or China) is creeping on us
We care more about the content of the app.
Do you have a link to another site that’s an encyclopedia of human history and reality that has been vetted by dozens of lifelong committed editors and is properly sourced?