You can just say you have low intelligence and fundamentally do not understand the concept of peer reviewed reproducible science.
It’s shorter.
You can just say you have low intelligence and fundamentally do not understand the concept of peer reviewed reproducible science.
It’s shorter.
The absolute irony of the person posting clown emojis being a clown themselves.
Liberals really can’t do anything but project, huh?
The world sees you for the fool you are.
I genuinely don’t understand why people still use Hulu when you can watch the same shit in better bitrate with no ads and no subscription
We’re not even talking about a Plex server or anything just freakin stream it off the 1000 trusted sources
The liberal mind is full of mysteries
Respectfully, you don’t understand how bad things are for the average American.
Reality: every U.S. leftist content creator has been physically visited by FBI agents and have a file maintained on them, despite never once making a threat or call to violence.
Meanwhile, China has lifted hundreds of millions out of crushing poverty and built the world’s best high speed rail system, only in the last 10-15 years.
And they make fun of Xi and criticize their government just fine.
Every accusation liberals make is a confession. Really weird how they keep acting indistinguishable from literal Nazis while accusing the left of doing the same thing.
Oh look, there it is again. Libs just can’t stop taking Ls.
Another liberal down. Bye!
Biden also voted for repealing Glass-Steagall, directly causing the worst financial crisis in most Americans lifetimes and billions more worldwide.
Obama, with notable Vice President Biden, also supported and enacted the largest bank bailout in history after said crisis, directly causing an economic spiral that continues into today because nothing was fucking fixed.
Look, I resist the accelerationist urge every day. But man is it fucking hilarious to watch capitalism collapse on itself, exactly as Marx wrote 100 years ago with no fucking internet.
The best part? All the brainwashed liberals going literally insane because the world is changing in ways they cannot comprehend.
What happens when an indoctrinated imperial core faces the real contradictions of their own ideology?
Consider that the Windows handhelds are going to age very poorly, and arguably already are, while the Deck has only gotten better over time.
If it’s worth the money right now for your personal situation, go for it fam. Very few regret it, except maybe don’t buy the cheapest model with like a 5gb ssd lol
Also if you’re USian, the incoming tariffs are about to make tech unaffordable for most people. I picked up a 4070ti super, arguably terrible value, because I saw the future. We’ll see if I fumbled it lol.
This thing looks like a Switch with those sausages! Good on you though, I’ve never even considered using the screen vertically.
That’s the funny thing about an ideology being objectively logically and ethically correct. The framework of theory also consistently addresses those exact points and material conditions.
Wow the liberal war hawks are really reaching this time, huh? Now they’ve been reduced to pretending conscription is totally democratic and wars of aggressive expansion are good and fine.
The absurdity comes from being an educated observer of their behavior, forced to act like fools by pretending they’re not the ones starting imperialist conflicts while clearly doing so in reality.
That’s why none of this post’s discussion makes sense, liberals just constantly spew fallacies and derail the argument while adding their cute irrelevant sneers nonstop. It cannot make sense or the liberal is revealed for what they truly are.
Liberals are losing their minds blaming everyone except their dogshit policies and strategies.
You know what, yeah I did cause the Dems to lose. And you know what, I’ll fuckin do it again in the midterms if they don’t move left.
The anti-left Feddit fascists are suddenly nowhere to be found, where y’all at?
There’s also an argument to be made for the pixels not being an ideal multiple. Maybe it matters less when there are 3440x1440 of them on a traditional screen, but the blurriness caused by this effect at small screen sizes is quite noticeable on text.
No, they’ve grown up in a world where knocking on doors gets you fucking shot lmao
Really not a great look for liberals, considering Harris/Walz have literally sent handwritten postcards saying the exact same thing to threaten their base.
They really have abandoned all reality lmfao.
Ehh that studio on the right is perfectly livable for two adults. Common to see in Europe.
The left looks like some cursed dorm-type setup with shared restrooms and kitchens which is just unsanitary (have you met an average American?).
But the size is fine. Americans just insist on having ridiculous amounts of square footage to “live” because they don’t live. The US has no third spaces so either you go somewhere and pay for the privilege of being there, or you use your apartment as your all-in-one space for gatherings, exercise, relaxing, creating, etc.
That user legitimately spends all day posting pedantic BS lmao, this is hilarious.
Literally the archetype of le Reddit neckbeard to a tee, Christ what a loser
The Democrat dogs really are trying to lose, aren’t they?
So, dear reader, notice how whenever defenders of tipping come along, it’s always the same story.
Oh boohoo my poor minimum wage (which is pegged to the same minimum wage as non-tipped workers in states where most people live).
Ever wonder why it’s always about the minimum wage and never about how much money they make?
Any server with 2 brain cells clears $40 an hour in untaxed cash wages every shift.
They never report it on their taxes, and yet they will cry about their poor wittle wage at every opportunity expecting people that make half their salary to tip them 100% for rudely dropping off a plate once and never coming back, making you wait 20 minutes to close a check.
Notice the pattern. Remember how I was right next time.
Ask them if they’d rather abolish tipping next time. Notice how none of them say “yes”.