It’s that stupid AI pricing needs to be more regulated.
It’s that stupid AI pricing needs to be more regulated.
The new cars have been coming out with voice commands also so you don’t have to look at the screen while driving. They even have a tactile button for it on the wheel.
Uber are pulling the same shit as Disney.
Apparently if you have ever ever ever accepted a Disney + account, and you have a family member die in a restaurant that is owned by Disney or dies in the theme park, you can’t sue Disney
And this is Uber doing the same thing. Uber driver crashed into a vehicle and because the woman in the car they crashed into had ordered something on Uber eats once upon a time when she was on her moms account she cannot sue an Uber driver ever.
It might also get rid of the “I lost money” or call it theft if their stock plunges and then whine for bailouts for money they imagined they could have but never actually became theirs.
Memes like this make me glad I only usd Linux at work. You don’t get this petty micromanaging shit between windows users.
Speak for yourself, snowflake. The world isn’t a safe place for shitheads to be shitheads. Culpability doesn’t make you a victim.
“Be evil so they have to stomp us out” shouldn’t be a standard. Stop allowing a world that rewards villains. Stop being a villain.
Not having a garbage disposal isn’t some sort of catch 22 complex problem your making it out to be.
No! Too much nitrogen is actually bad.
Ppl still have garbage disposals?
It’s not the tech bros. It’s clients asking for this shit. Tech can do anything and as it progresses it will continue to be able to do anything .
It’s the Clients misusing $$ has and always been the real devil here.
And yet here, look, another has been added to the block list.
Yeah I was just a bit let down given that lemmy was kinda sold on Reddit to users who were sick of a capitalist environment protecting the hate speech vs a safe haven where mods were ‘without shackles’. the results show this is far from the reality of where the problem really lies.
Well my block list on lemmy grew a whole lot faster and is longer now than on it ever was on Reddit.
But This was even before the bear debacle.
Lemmy is not as good as advertised.
a large segment had to admit that it obviously went very, very wrong.
I’m just imagining the conversation it took for such a chuckle fucker to knock off that racket. Like ok imagine it’s your baby in the building. walking a person through each scenario as a painful exercise.
Yet somehow your complaining rent exists. Then just buy your property and pay for your own maintenance. But sounds like you just want to argue in bad faith even though it’s clear that some money is used for reasonable things in a rental agreement.
They are hiring the people who do maintenance. So them asking you for money to pay for it isn’t parasitic. It’s most definitely justified. You’re living in a unit, you’re banging it up, so someone has to put on the adult pants and keep the roof over your head standing.
Yeh, no need for a landlord when you own the house. Off the topic though.
Elon now stealing money from Canada taxpayers. US taxpayers not enough.