Fuck Reddit, 'cuz I’m over here now. (in the best Diceman voice I can muster)
Fuck Reddit, 'cuz I’m over here now. (in the best Diceman voice I can muster)
If you do not pay us the IRS, we will put you under the rest.
By now, if you still have an HP printer, you deserve what you get. Fuck HP in the ass with a big rubber dick.
The Steele Dossier debunked the whole Russian bot thing. Assange proved that that was some shit Killary pulled out of her twat because her plan to run against an orange gameshow clown backfired. If you still watch CNN, MSNBC or Fox to find out what’s going on in the world, then you are still just a brainwashed drone.
Just being obnoxious isn’t a crime, but that’s not enough of a reason to get a ding. I’ve seen way worse comments to others and to myself from assholes on reddit who never got banned. “fOr ThE sAkE oF tHe FeDiVeRse, I dO dEcLaIr…” seriously with this shit? This place is already turning into Reddit. Apparently trolling isn’t boring for you yet, huh?
i got booted from Reddit for saying “fuck Ukraine” in respose to some idiot praising a Van Gogh painting for “having the colors of the Ukraine flag”. It was my third strike on Reddit. After explaining to the moderator of that particular sub that I was just irritated at the idea of politics creeping into art apreciation (and the fact that the painting in question was painted 100 years before Ukraine was a country), they recinded my strike, but too late apparently- still banned. I get a cute little red hammer emoji next to my name when I try to log on, which I haven’t bothered trying to do for 8 or 9 months now.
Do you know how much garlic bread I can make for $5? A bunch, and fucking good too!
Not surprised; BOA is the fucking Taco Bell of banking. The only one worse that I can think of is Wells Fargo.
The lowest dollar amount on Jeopardy! is $200 now and Alex Trebek has been dead since 2020, but yeah, I think so. Have an updoot.
Like n-word moments from The Boondocks, but on the internet. Far less chance of being shot, but definitely not zero.
In an art appreciation sub (I think it was r/museum) some jackhole said they liked a Van Gogh painting because “it had colors resembling the Ukrainian flag”. I caught a third strike for saying “Fuck Ukraine”. When I explained to the mod that it was because i was sick of political bullshit creeping into everything, and the painting in question was painted 100 years before Ukraine was even a country, he rescinded the ban, but it didn’t matter, it was my third strike on Reddit. I even got a cute little hammer emoji. Yeah, fuck Reddit.
I used to work at Lenovo’s fulfillment center through a temp company. The organization of the place (or lack thereof) is a complete clusterfuck. At the time I worked there, something like 5 to 10% of their inventory was “lost”, as in, it was somewhere in the building, but no one could find it since it’s location is no longer in the system.
When asked about racism in America she said there wasn’t any, then in the next sentence, she expounded on the racism she experienced as a child. Typical republican; a problem doesn’t exist unless it happens to them.