Still at zero :( I’m not sure if I should be thankful or insulted
You gotta do it to em
Still at zero :( I’m not sure if I should be thankful or insulted
As an Arab, I now want to learn to code in Qalb so I can romantically say that I know the workings of the heart <3
Also, how about we make a programming language called ب and have it just stand for برمجه (“Barmaja”: literally programming in Arabic)
Don’t worry, the arabic translation is correct
It’s formal Arabic, as is expected of any translator
They should have kept quiet and let Google show how shit they are on live TV
Regulations are definitely excellent for both businesses and consumers in the long term. But businesses are often too stupid to see past ANYTHING “quarterly”.
What’s confusing is that some great auto brands from Europe are under Stellantis (Peugeot and Citroen at least)
And they’re actually not doing a shitty job in designing or selling their vehicles. It’s mainly the Chrysler brands or basically the US brands under Stellantis. I seriously hope the shit happening in Chrysler doesn’t come trickling down to the other brands
Yes, specially 600 billion of federal funding
I think you may have missed the joke lol
That’s why zios are constantly recruiting children from around the world to commit genocide. No different from nazi youth organizations.
They’re also forcing the small number of Palestinian children who they left alive into a feeling of rage and intense hatred. A feeling that will only build up over their lives until all those kids want is to destroy Israel.
This gives Israel more self justification for their actions, which is the whole point of this.
Why the fuck would you even think that Hamas is committing Genocide?
Please, justify that claim to me
Oh I absolutely agree, some things don’t need to be “smart”.
Imagine if someone put a microchip in a potato peeler claiming that it would add features like “sensing the amount of pressure applied to the potato to ensure clean peels”. The reason they haven’t done that is that data would only benefit the user, and they can’t think of a way to have it benefit the company’s profit margins.
I wish products followed your lead and had no AI features, 1995 Toyota Corolla :/
Absolutely. Like why in the world would the article have a list of features included in each model of router?
I say this a lot to people on Lemmy, but everyone here (including you) is honestly so much nicer and more emotionally intelligent than people on other places on the internet
What an utter sack of shit
$100,000,000,000,000 × 0.00000000001 is $1,000!
I’d happily take that
I’m in the exact same boat. Vivaldi devs are so open about everything they do that they’ve honestly earned my trust in their browser.
No nonsense and very clear options to disable data collection despite being a chromium based browser. I love firefox mobile’s extensions but it just doesn’t have the same consistency between desktop and mobile. For example, Vivaldi mobile let’s you control site permissions to the level of controlling if they’re allowed to play sound or not
For what it’s worth, your username is really smart