I mean yeah exactly
I mean yeah exactly
Yeah I think you need a centralized system with decentralized ownership, so that no single party can fuck it up by themselves
Sideshow Bob got a CS degree and now people are looking to hire him as a BartEnder
Monster-World Hunting
This hunt just went interstellar
There’s been a lot of discussion recently about how companies have been making shitty decisions, which prompt people to move to the open-source alternatives, like what happened with Reddit, Twitter and Unity etc. However, is there a viable alternative for film-related media, beyond simply piracy?
While Lemmy, Godot etc obviously have many costs, primarily servers and development, they don’t have to deal with licensing in the same way to get content. Is there an existing alternative, or do you see a way for there to ever be an existing alternative without some rich company already backing it?
To play devil’s advocate, while I have little doubts that these specific ones are scammy, there are many cases where they have been genuinely good value. In general, this is when a product requires an established user base in order to be effective , so they’ll have an airdrop shortly after opening and then another a few months into the product’s life. The aim being that if X number of people try it a bit, hopefully a proportion will continue using it and make the whole product viable.
We just need to change one field into an array, so that users can be linked to more than one location.
We estimate around 400 hours work.
Bro please put a trigger warning here
Relevant SCP