Shit, online guides in MMOs are bad enough. “why aren’t you following the meta” “you should be using this item and doing this build” These things basically make people bots. Having actual bots might be better.
Shit, online guides in MMOs are bad enough. “why aren’t you following the meta” “you should be using this item and doing this build” These things basically make people bots. Having actual bots might be better.
God it sure would suck if there were trojan advertisements threatening to take down Youtube servers.
These practices are discriminatory against people with social anxiety.
We would have spoken up sooner, but, you know…
Automailers often have names like that i.e. [email protected] so it may be more about stopping spam or stopping people from using spam email accounts.
A Bo Burnham fan I see
At least you have a Chin when you shave.
Some of us, not so lucky.
Armor Class,
It is very hard to hit
Does he believe all matter exists at a single point?
Is the testing equipment made of plastic?
I couldn’t give fewer of a shit
I drive a 2000 Honda Accord so I highly doubt it.
I don’t ONLY want sex. I’m way greedier than that.
Let’s also hold hands
I’ve seen “Organic” salt.
that doesn’t have Carbon, Hydrogen or Oxygen
How do you Pronounce SCUBA?
They clearly have a soulcaster
Isn’t it on that red planet near Solo?
This joke might not be good but I’m proud of it’s layers