Flips to page one Ah, we should pull their funding! Why didn’t I think of that?
Flips to page one Ah, we should pull their funding! Why didn’t I think of that?
The “Heh, but I’m not a member of the national socialist party in Germany from 1940-1945” that you hear from teenage nazis online is basically also the US cultural norm
Have we become a hated, moribund party of billionaire lobbyists and genocide profiteers?
No, it’s the voters who are wrong.
American exceptionalism gets even more nutty when things are bad
I would like to know who exactly you think is “taking the mask off” here
Calling a fascist a fascist is actually not the same thing as calling a fascist a communist. Trump and Kamala can both go to the Hague.
Brother we’ve been arming and supporting a full-on ethnic extermination and bombing anyone who tries to stop it for over a year now. We’re past flirting with fascism, we’ve bought a dog and moved onto a studio apartment with fascism. Fascism is making us coffee and thinking about opening an Etsy store to sell all the gold tooth fillings.
Because capital will recuperate any and all critiques of itself no matter how milquetost or fundamental, from Bernie Sanders to the Che Guavara shirt.
This affected world-weariness about the tragedy of human nature is a form of ahistorical cope we learn to avoid the pain of acknowledging the amazing progress happening elsewhere while we in the empire are made to wallow in decay. If you point me to any specific problem whatsoever, I will happily trace how the US Cult of Capital either caused it or is making it worse.
The united states is an existential threat to all life on earth, and there can be no peace or security until it is dealt with
In evil badcountry, the regime puts out bounties on heads of state who defy their will
That tracks, when I saw the footage it seemed more like a bazinga self-funeral pyre than any kind of attack
Who are these 49 percent of weiners
Good, it was a nazi organization then and it’s a nazi organization now. Of course, that’s why this nazi will never actually do it.
Oh waiter!
This one please
Much in the way a lamprey functions as a blood-seeking middleman between vascular system and brain.
I believe this about as much as I believe grimes actually read Capital or whatever book she went out carrying.
Also I personally have my doubts that Joe Biden is still able to read. He’s definitely not reading something antizionist, genocidal ghoul that he is. This is a transparent puff piece meant to make us think he cares at all about the genocide he’s enabling. He’s still the president, if he actually cared he could stop the bombs with an executive order today.
Lol are you a zionist? This crybaby shit is exactly how zionists talk
Sam Altman? The guy who’s currently on the wrong side of the dirt for SAing his sister?