It makes me optimistic - he’s fucking with the money. Change can happen real goddamn quick when someone starts fucking with the money.
It makes me optimistic - he’s fucking with the money. Change can happen real goddamn quick when someone starts fucking with the money.
Shockingly, it’s not even the most bat shit insane idea possible. One of the Nazi’s preliminary ideas for “what to do with the Jewish population of europe” was simply mass exile, I believe Madagascar was their favorite. But, had the campaign for North Africa gone differently, they coulda been the ones to set up the Israeli state. Who knows what the ramifications of that would have been, but it’s hard to imagine it being better for the local inhabitants in the short term.
It’s almost always “their colonizers” taking advantage of it lmao they get paid a pittance for the privilege.
Play a new game for a few hours on deck, and there will be a little unobtrusive prompt box asking if you agree it’s “great on deck” near the play button.
I know Steam will ask you if you agree a game was truly “great on deck” after playing - I wonder if a certain threshold of people responding with no flags it.
Microsoft: your computer, my choice
How often does a solution need “new” code and not “basically the same code as a previous issue but with two small details changed”? This is a genuine question, I have only ever coded as a hobby. But 25% of your work being essentially just copy pasted sounds plausible, and that’s sorta all LLMs are doing, right?
The point isn’t that we’ll never get there. The point is we sure as shit aren’t there yet.
The west
Are authoritarian regimes somehow supposed to be more opposed to using children to promote heightened surveillance?
I like star wars , but yeah similar boat. Far Cry 3 was real fun the first time, it’s still fun now but I can wait for the star wars coat of paint at a discount.
Private companies can be dicks. Public companies can and will be sued by their shareholders if they aren’t big enough dicks.
Dude there’s like, maybe twenty real games in that pile. Most of which I wouldn’t want to play on my steam deck anyways, not that I’ve ever wanted to play a battlefield game, but I sure don’t want to try and aim with a controller.
Sorry that the developers don’t cater to making life easier for people that haven’t bought their game lmao what an entitled take
I’m not disagreeing, but can anyone really be surprised? IP theft is Chinese policy 101.
Ah yes, how greedy of a company, to checks notes stop you from telling their online distribution service that you own something you don’t.
Pirate all you want, live how you want. But valve is a company, they do sorta have to follow those pesky laws and regulations.
I dunno, sounds like your belief doesn’t stand up to scrutiny, you’re getting pretty emotional about it
If only there were people desperate for a better life here, alive now, perhaps in a neighboring country or even entire other continent bordering the states.
It’d be neat if there was like, “time adjusted best”(this is probably close to what “Hot” on other sites). After an hour or two, posts are weighted based off of votes divided by time since posted.
They’re in Australia, they’re obviously already connected to the electrical grid, and have the free space. I don’t really see how taking advantage of an obviously free win is in any way a “sick burn” of nuclear.
I’ve always found it very bizarre we equate wearing uncomfortable clothing with respect.