to be clear, Open Link With is the name of an android app that allows you to use the “share” feature to open links in your app of choice. You highlight the link, choose “share” and then choose the “Open Link With” app
to be clear, Open Link With is the name of an android app that allows you to use the “share” feature to open links in your app of choice. You highlight the link, choose “share” and then choose the “Open Link With” app
Because le Reddit army hates it so they do too. Half of these nerds get all their opinions told to them
These countries?
I scared the people next to me on the bus laughing so loud out of nowhere
If you’re doing it for a friend make sure you ASK if they want Linux, don’t force it on them man that’s not cool. Most normies just want to use Windows for the compatibility and ease of use (call it handholding and restrictive all you want).
Also PS You are looking at the universal APK, which contains the binaries for all CPU structures. OBVIOUSLY the one that’s meant for your phone will be smaller. Mine was like 170 mb
Dude it’s basically nothing. Mp3s have been/could be considered small for like 10+ years. It’s much larger than I think it should be but it’s not like it’s an unreasonable space hog. File sizes have been inflating steadily for years as internet speeds increase worldwide
If you’re on Windows 10 or 11 just install it natively with WSA. You might have to look up a tutorial. I’ve yet to have a compatibility issue
real Halo fans waited yeeeaaarrs for that show to come out. i mean i remember being a little kid in middle school and thinking “i can’t wait for the halo movie/show to finally come out”. Fast forward years later, and i have a house, 2 kids, I’m married and the Halo show is finally out and it’s garbage. i hate what happened to that franchise