The whole entire thing.
Competition is unnecessary.
Humans are not in a battle for survival, there is enough for everyone.
It is artificial bullshit created and enforced by capitalists to make them as much money and power as possible.
Competition, by definition creates and breeds and encourages inequality and oppression of others.
There is no good reason to cling on to it, never mind try to base a plan for a better society on it
Extreme wealth disparity is not due to a lack of taxes, but rather a lack of competition.
No no no.
This isn’t personal (assuming you wrote this, you mention your site, so I’m assuming) but I’m just so sick and fucking tired of people thinking they’ve seriously analysed the state of affairs of the world, but not only refuse to even name capitalism, let alone point to it as the core problem, but worse, insist on the nonsensical idea that we can and should fix things from within it and under its rules (and in your example, using one of its most toxic and destructive elements), instead of realising the only way to free ourselves is to abolish it entirely, as if capitalism is some sort of natural order we simply can’t exist outside of.
I don’t know if you meant it to, but your analysis gives "an"cp vibes in how close it gets to getting it, and then how fast and how far it eventually veers off course.
Whatever the case. I think you’re close enough to benefit from exploring further if you think you can set your biases aside and sit with the discomfort of unlearning the constructs you’ve been made to believe are natural and unavoidable, otherwise you’re just going to keep skirting the issue but never hitting the point.
But they’re not lying. It’s pretty reasonable to believe both that his parents were working class, and that him becoming a class traitor on such a level does make him a hero in capitalist eyes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh yeah, it’s totally benign… 🙄
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Lol, yeah, the billionaire owned main stream media is completely benign an neutral in its coverage. 🙄
Honestly, what will it take for some of you to stop taking the world at the face value those in power are selling you as reality?
Check fake TV talking heads covering him, Cuamo, Shapiro, Fox News etc
Oh right, those leftists lmfao…
They need to fear for their lives in direct relation to how many other people they’ve forced to fear for theirs.
he also had it all DUE TO CAPITALISM
As far as I’m aware he was not part of the owning class, he just had a good paying job, that does not make him a benefactor of capitalism.
I see a lot of leftist political whores try to smear him based on his class…
Says the person who brought his class up… 🤔
Look, I’m not trying to have a go, but honestly this is completely derailing from my point - health is not a virtue, nor is it in our control (despite what abled people love to believe), and being in ill health and or becoming disabled is only “losing it all” because of capitalism and abled supremacy, NOT because sick and disabled people’s lives no longer have value (which is what the original comment implies).
He lost it all because of capitalism.
I think the govt is fighting the wrong battle here
A system is what it does.
This seriously needs an update.
“Fuck you, I’m going to get mine”
Reacting to division sown by a small group of people for profit, is not what is turbo charging said division.
How about Slow and steady not at all with the “real estate race”? Sadly, we have been programmed to flip houses and chase immediate gains. see housing as a commodity and investment opportunity rather than the human right it is, and which it is wholly immoral to withhold for profit.
She could definitely pull of the look…
we’ll give you a pass.
I don’t need your pass, my point is perfectly clear, you’ve contributed nothing to the conversation
The fact that anyone would need this amount of mental gymnastics to find reason enough to relate to the women potentially being targeted, to be against it, is pretty fucked up in its own right.
A large part of how patriarchy works is that men aren’t expected to, so often don’t, give a shit about the harm it causes until something impacts them directly, and even then, they will only actively oppose it if it harms them significantly more than what the patriarchy benefits them (toxic masculinity being a prime example of self harm many men are reluctant to fight).
Catering to this feature of the system only perpetuates it. Stop creating convoluted ways for them to relate (even “your mothers and sisters” shouldn’t be needed), and start expecting, and demanding, they simply consider and therefor treat all humans equally (which magically leads to caring about what happens to women just as much as they would if it were men under threat).