This is the sound I make when I’m calling my cat to come home for the night…
This is the sound I make when I’m calling my cat to come home for the night…
You can even get a decent freshly ground and brewed expresso out of a vending machine. Why you would go to Starbucks in Italy.
Its effectively paying protection money.
Would be a shame if your order came in an hour late. You know, a few bucks would make Vinny here a lot happier. The happier Vinny is, the less likely something bad happens to your order.
Bidet and/or toilet seat with butt washer.
I mean when you step in shit, you don’t just tissue your foot or shoe, you wash it down at the earliest opportunity. Why should it be different for butts?
I totally get that they had to find some way to financially support the massive infrastructure that was necessary to do what YouTube does.
I was fine with an ad every now and then.
I was fine with an ad at the start and end of a long video.
Ads on a 30s video? Ads on an Ad? Multiple ads at the start, multiple ads in-between and at the end? Jesus h. Christ. Removing the dislike button?
That was when I switched to ReVanced.
Meh, Chrome is a piece of shit as well. If you use gmail on another browser, they keep pestering you to try Chrome.
Oh how the turn tables…
You have to say mammary points!
You take that back!
I had a sticker that had flashing LEDs powered solely on the radiation coming from the phone. It was awesome.
What about mechanical components like pipe connectors?
Joking aside I have no dog in this fight. Just tell me what to call it.
Although its a pain in the ass because I work in a country where english is a second language. And technical terms are all borrowed from English. So it may get hilarious when we have to write purchase specs or give instructions to our vendors. They’ll be scratching their heads for a bit.
Have you seen the one where the company says we shouldn’t use the terms male/female in a technical setting because it implies only 2 genders and apparently genders exist on some sort of spectrum?
So I emailed HR to ask for alternative suggestions and if I had permission to refer to ports and connectors as penis and vagina connectors. I think this will be an important discussion because the have the director of HR, legal and my manager scheduled for a meeting next week.
Yes. But only if you like having a greasy surface after that from the wax melting off the paper if the temperatures get too hot. I’d stick with baking paper.
We know you wont. 😉
I only know this because of ElectroBoom
Care to elaborate on his conservative teachings? Unless you’re stretching Jesus’ teachings to the letters of Paul.
This is absolutely it. The C-suite and senior management are made up of sharp people. They absolutely know this will trigger an exodus and a large bag of fire-able workers. They don’t care that they’re likely to lose a bunch of talented, hardworking staff. Its all been accounted for. At worst the results of a mass exodus will only impact their bottom line in a few years. They just need this years numbers to look good and line to go up.