I’m attempting this migration on an instance that has been running for about a month, is federated with the top 10+ instances and has synced a lot of data.
The steps I’m using are as follows:
stop docker: sudo docker stop domainname_pictrs_1
run docker-compose to open a session in the stopped container: sudo docker-compose run pictrs sh
run the cmdlet to migrate pictrs via https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/pict-rs/#filesystem-to-object-storage-migration
When this runs, it appers to be trying to sync like… all of the lemmy fediverse… to my object storage:
2023-08-13T17:55:44.426301Z WARN pict_rs: Running checks
2023-08-13T17:55:45.188984Z WARN pict_rs: Checks complete, migrating store
2023-08-13T17:55:45.275403Z WARN pict_rs: 56963 hashes will be migrated
Most of these fail, and I’m trying to run it again with --skip-missing-files , but based on what I’m seeing I don’t know if this is really something that can be done once an instance has federated with a lot of other instances.
Am I missing something?
Edit: with --skip-missing-files its telling me that it’s going to take 23403 seconds (6.5 hours) to complete this migration.
When I look into the bucket, I see all kinds of random images being migrated over, so it’s definitely storing pretty much every image that my instance has ever synced. Is there a way to just migrate content that originated on my instance?
Where can we suggest improvements?
This could be a very powerful tool if the right options are added. One of the things I’d like to see is the ability to set an upvote or comment threshold. If posts were popular, I would like to keep them. If, however, a post received very little upvotes and had little interaction, there’s not much value in keeping it. And I’m talking about all interactions here, not just from members of our own instances.
This doesn’t seem like a very hard thing to implement and would be well received.