Lions mane mushrooms can have a similar texture and flavor when pan fried. It isn’t identical but it’s pretty damn good.
Lions mane mushrooms can have a similar texture and flavor when pan fried. It isn’t identical but it’s pretty damn good.
Oh, it’s a total guarantee they won’t, ugh.
I’m not saying it is identical, there are some key differences, and yet social media platforms are much more like a publishing company than they are a town square. Just because they’re choosing to publish your tweets/posts for free and you’re choosing to create content without pay doesn’t mean it’s not a better analogy than saying their the equivalent of a public space. They’re very clearly not a public space. Using the street analogy, these are storefronts on the street, not the street itself. Again, the Internet itself is the street. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Mastodon, Lemmy, or whatever social media platform, are not the street or the town square. They are not and should not be considered to be public spaces any more than a mall or a Walmart is.
There is a key difference here. Social media companies have some liability with what gets shared on the platform. They also have a financial interest in what gets said and how it gets promoted by algorithms. The fact is, these are not public spaces. These are not streets. They’re more akin to newspapers, or really the people printing and publishing leaflets. The Internet itself is the street in your analogy.
Pictured: the moment Bob decided it was time to form a fucking union.
When you steal the company just raises prices on everyone else to cover what you stole. You aren’t stealing from a shitty faceless corporation, you’re stealing from everyone who pays. As a paying customer, fuck you.
Lenovo is a Chinese government data gathering operation though.
Let them fight
But peas are beans.
Liar. These beans aren’t fucking.
Agree to some extent. I think a better approach would be to explain why it is worth learning rather than claiming it is easy. It isn’t terrible to learn but for the average user, yeah, it is a bit arcane especially compared to existing centralized platforms.
Yes, it seems that way because your kitchen scale is faulty and measuring everything a bit on the light side.