Download your data while you still can.
Download your data while you still can.
You can get an old version of the software without the features blocked.
It’s something like
Help > About > Check for updates
My won’t auto update. Says there are no updates available. I’m trying a manual install.
They can sell colors and themes as DLC! Cosmetics for your home!
If you can open it, they can open it. There’s not much of a point if it’s something you can undo.
I would make sure the firmware can’t be updated. Uninstall the Hue app for sure.
After they make the change, someone with an old Hue bulb should go to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Making this decision retroactive is clearly false advertising and anti-consumer. I don’t really give a shit what their terms of use were.
They can do what they want with their future bulbs. The old ones need to be grandfathered in.
Which is kind of weird because most C# devs aren’t doing games.
You do have to turn off battery saver for the background process. Phones tend to not like background processes. That would cause the behavior you’re seeing.
Settings > Apps > App battery usage > Immich > Set to “unrestricted”
Also I have mine set to a ten minute delay, maybe that’s why I haven’t noticed. Maybe try adding a small delay to the load?
(Primarily I wanted a chance to delete photos before they uploaded.)
Immich is working pretty well for me. Even the search does a decent job of recognizing the things in the pictures.
I’m not sure what Google photos has that Immich doesn’t, and I’ve been using Google photos for years.
This is me, laughing at your comment as a bald eagle clutching an assault rifle flies over and shits simultaneously on my head and the idea of public transit.
They don’t have that much power. It takes a lot (and a lack of sanity) for someone to “kill a bunch of people on their way out”.
The most they can do is something like Jan 6th with more competence. Something like that requires organization, and the FBI is pretty good at infiltrating organizations who are trying to grow enough to make a difference. January 6th wasn’t stopped primarily because it was done by the President, and the office (for better or worse) gets more leeway with laws.
Not if you want to push the site hard to the right!
Yeah, this is probably the way I’d go about it. Dedicated hard drive, separate/no network access, no access to other files. Who cares if it is malware if it can’t get to anything.
The four day head start thing being bullshit was a good point. But yeah, I’m not likely to pirate an executable any time soon.
As a software dev, I don’t think there really is a better way. One thing you could do to avoid this is to install a second drive and boot to completely different OSes. You could boot to a Linux drive for personal stuff, and only use Windows for gaming.
These gaming companies are pretty aware that they go bankrupt if they either get a reputation for abusing anti-chrst data OR are full of cheaters. They have some incentive to use data ethically. But it’s still a good thing to keep an eye on.