A live volcano chain is not somewhere I would build a bunker.
A live volcano chain is not somewhere I would build a bunker.
“Gold among the garbage” sums up AI very nicely.
Daily. Mostly Spotify and Youtube or when I don’t want to listen to my wife.
Hostile Hostel
I just bought a car and my wife keeps wanting me to look at all the “final notice” crap we keep getting. I told her if it isn’t from our insurance company then toss it.
Soak a large sponge in cornstarch, wrap as small as possible with rubber bands, let dry, cut rubber bands then flush a hand full of these down the toilet.
“Ex-Twitter” So now he’s a “Twas”
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou!
Don’t send it to the landfill! I bet you could make a few stainless steel sinks out of it.
I can confirm this. My friends neighbor had a DeLorean and it sat in the driveway covered in a tarp waiting for “parts” 98% of the time. I can count the times I saw him drive it on one hand.
To be fair, Tesla makes better vehicles than Playskool.
I wrote a hit song with the Rolling Stones and was able to sing the whole thing when I woke up. It was gone by lunch time.
Where? Up the @$$, thats where.
Tweets are now Sharts!
You just described my retirement plans.
You’re missing a word and a question mark in your sentence.
Yes, “your”. Your is the possessive form of the pronoun you and indicates ownership.
For me, the future is Firefox and Linux.
No, desperation would be selling off old Twitter door handles for $50,000.
But it would make a great movie!