Little Bobby tables, we call him
Little Bobby tables, we call him
Schadenfreuding: the worst system you know just claimed a great casualty.
The second Indecipherable was reported as parasites initially, wasnt it?
About time they felt a tiny iota of the fear for their life that the average person does when visiting the doctor, or being laid off. Not knowing of you’ll survive to see your next paycheck is the American experience. Glad you parasites can join us.
Your second paragraph may as well be a quote from Anthony bourdain
Yeah I guess I should have said ‘actively killing fascists at the time’
Garuda comes Nvidia ready out of the box
It isnt so much direct propaganda as conditioned propaganda. Stan Lee was a playwright for the us army a title I believe less than 10 people held at the time. He spent his late teens and early 20s being the hand on the page for the voice of the US government. Being immersed in those ideals it is no wonder he regurgitated us red scare propaganda and he expressed regret for it.
This didnt stop though and with iron man stan lee said:
“I think I gave myself a dare. It was the height of the Cold War. The readers, the young readers, if there was one thing they hated, it was war, it was the military. So I got a hero who represented that to the hundredth degree. He was a weapons manufacturer, he was providing weapons for the Army, he was rich, he was an industrialist. I thought it would be fun to take the kind of character that nobody would like, none of our readers would like, and shove him down their throats and make them like him … And he became very popular.”
Prpaganda is defined as
“deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist”.
Iron man certainly seems to fit. Remember Stan Lee was in the military when it was antifascist. As a result he was pro military and he used his position to sway people toward his own views which… were developed when writing for the army. …
It doesn’t have to be a secret conspiracy to act as propaganda. Social conditioning reinforces it. Americas civil religion permeates every aspect of life from the pledge of allegiance in kidnergarten to the anthem at ball games. If you do not recognize it and challenge it you will repeat it.
I personally think in the case of Batman it was less nefarious. A plot device gone awry. After all, how could a normal man compete with Superman? In our society he would have to be rich to fund his inventions and afford superhuman tools.
Tbh if I worked for donations and had entitled users expecting me to continue perfecting a hobby indefinitely ID get pretty burnt out, but racism and targeted harrassment would not be included in rudeness if thats what this maintainer was doing
But uh… Linus is kinda rude NGL. Part of his charm no?
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Only it comes standard with the multiyear bugs only just patched in remote desktop for windows, like an inability to remember where you monitors have always been.
Trump corncobbed lmfao
“THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!” Trump said… …“When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, ‘I WANT A REMATCH,’” Trump wrote in his post, explaining his decision and insisting unnamed polls showed he won.
I learned that she isnt aware burning the flag is protected as free speech.
I saw her release condeming protestors and calling them Hamas supporters.
“History is written by the victors”.
I see another propagandized ego driven fool who speaks louder and with more venom the less substance he has.
You personally cant draw comparisons between two separate systems? Seems like a limit of imagination.
You shouldnt presume to know better than others, especially when you dont appear to understand anything about the ideology outside of your bias.
I agree that there are differences, but I feel there are more similarities. Especially with anarchocommunist or collectivist theory.
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