Mars sucks ass I hope we never go there. There are plenty of other decent celestial bodies around. We should colonize Moon for starters. Moon colony would be amazing.
Mars sucks ass I hope we never go there. There are plenty of other decent celestial bodies around. We should colonize Moon for starters. Moon colony would be amazing.
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Sure it’s sorta self-promo but chill boyos give him a break.
That’s his entire business model. Just look at starship, hyper loop, solar roofs and Tesla semi. Overblown Tesla stock bubble too. All complete vaporware, but he profits greatly from the hype alone. He belongs in prison as he is a classic conman.
Not needing isn’t the same as won’t hire and allocate vast amounts of resources.
Another artificial idiot for the pile.
It’s probably the most wasteful way of providing internet imaginable since they have to send satellites up by the dozen every year for them to burn in the atmosphere only several years lates. Yeah I don’t think it’s a good business model at all, especially considering they haven’t been able to turn a profit and rely on subsidies.
Modern consoles are a scam.
The cat is not impressed, yeah.
Ah, I see, he finally came out of his conman closet and is ready to go full con.
Consolas is perfect
They don’t pivot lol, Israel is literally the only safe place in the Middle East for trans and LGBTQ people. Islam is violently anti-woke by definition, not to mention all of its more extremist appendages. One must be completely stupid to not understand it.
This is an intellectually disingenuous argument that tries to sound like a clever gotcha, instead it’s just antisemitic in and of itself.
That’s not why Hamas exists lmao. Who do you think they are, some sort of noble freedom fighters?
Reminder that Starfield was in development for 8 years by an experienced gigantic team with a AAA budget and it still wasn’t half as good as indie crowd founded Star Citizen alpha version.
That military spending and heavy-handedness are the main reasons you’re not currently living under a Chinese or Russian boot barely subsisting on low quality food in a cold crumbling commieblock on roach patrol.
5k notifications from a Chinese propaganda tool. Not good.
There’s a lot of high level corruption in Germany these days, so I wouldn’t be surprised.