If you took my original comment as an argument the I guess we have different definitions of what that means. I was clearly stating that the F150 is made in Detroit (which it is, I’ve been there) and that the plant was already on strike. Someone else pointed out that they are also made in Kansas City, which I didn’t know at the time. Then you came in after the fact with your snarky comment. You could’ve read before you ever commented to see by then that I did in fact know trucks were made in Kansas City. Your comment added no value except to be “pissy” towards me by telling me how wrong I was.
I always see this but I used Plex on my iPhone for months before I bought the Plex pass. I did buy the Plex app way back when and maybe that’s why but I’m also using a new Plex account so I don’t see how’d they be tied together.