(Joke starts at 30sec.)
(Joke starts at 30sec.)
I don’t know much about investing, but i wonder if it would it be a good time to short those companies?
I wonder how much more energy it took to accomplish that compared to just shooting a rocket. Last I had heard railguns weren’t really feasible because of the absurd amount of energy they would require even with perfect efficiency.
For me, every time it suggests the correct base word, it gets the ending wrong, so I have to type out the whole word anyway. For example, if I want past tense it’ll suggest the present tense of the word.
Oh I’m definitely an addict. Sometimes the first sip is way too good to just be about the taste. Its a bit annoying during the summer, coffee makes me sweat too much, but if I haven’t had a cup by 1pm or so, then I get a bad headache.
Your being pedantic and defensive because you know and don’t like the answer. I can’t force you see reason so keep on living in your delusion. May it bring you peace and whatnot.
If someone puts a clearly empty jar in front of you, and I say there is something in it while you say there is nothing. Who is responsible for proving their point?
This isn’t a belief the same way religion is. It’s an observation of reality without assumptions. Every religion is man-made. They are obviously fictional in too numerous of ways to list, and none of them would be good enough for you because they would not be proof. Once again YOU CANNOT PROVE A NEGATIVE.
There may be recorded history of people making claims of religious events but none with any actual evidence. You don’t need to invalidate claims that were never validated in the first place.
Maybe this… maybe that. You can claim maybe for literally an infinite number of things, but unless there’s evidence or logic to follow, then it’s meaningless.
If you want to believe then go ahead, but don’t expect others to take you seriously. That’s my biggest problem with religion. Expecting others to believe the same things you do is incredibly arrogant.
They are not making the claim. The are denying the claim that there is some sentient creator. Those making the claim that there is are the ones who are responsible for proof.
Proving a negative is basically the definition of illogical. If it’s impossible, then requiring it is illogical.
They are not demanding the negative be accepted out of some unproveable belief. They are demanding that people use logical reasoning when forming conclusions.
The one making the claim is the one who has the burden of proof. Requiring someone to prove a negative is completely illogical.
I would also say that someone’s disbelief in someone else’s claim is not a belief system in itself.
Tolerable work environment is at the top of my list. If I were to even consider working at an intolerable business, I would need to be paid enough to retire after a year. We have made it so that work is life, and also now retirement is very uncertain for most young people. There’s no way I’m gonna take an intolerable job that will go on indefinitely.
I don’t get out much, so I have no clue how others are doing. I’ll admit that shit sucks right now, but I haven’t been living paycheck to paycheck since working part time in my early 20s over a decade ago. I live in a low COL area and make about $35-$40,000 a year. I only spend maybe $15,000 a year. I may never be able to buy a house, but I’m far off from paycheck to paycheck. It makes me wonder if people who are living that way are maybe just living outside of their means?