When did the french become such insatiable bootlickers? As long as billion dollar corporations are still making billions then they should be told to kindly fuck off.
When did the french become such insatiable bootlickers? As long as billion dollar corporations are still making billions then they should be told to kindly fuck off.
Aye, we need a new system.
Anarchism is never an answer, it’s usually willful ignorance about there being any problems.
AnCaps drive me nuts. They want to dismantle democratic institutions while simultaneously licking the boots of unelected institutions.
No, we cannot think like that. It is true that fascism cannot be beat peacefully, but we should never want them to suffer. We should always strive to crush their fascist oligarchy with as little suffering ss possible.
“Whoever would be a slayer of monsters must take heed, or they may become the very monsters they slay… For when one peers into the abyss, the abyss peers back into thee” -FN
LLMs can be great for translating pseudo code into real code or creating boiler plate or automating tedious stuff, but ChatGPT is terrible at actual software engineering.
Does managing those problems improve the material conditions of the planet and humanity? If not, then I am not sure you can say it produces value. If you work for a company owned by the 0.1% then your labor does the opposite, the more wealth you create for the oligarchs the more power they have to destroy the planet and democracy
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Americans when their taxes are given to billionaires through kepto defense contracts or when billions are given to Israel to fund genocide: …😴…zzzzzzzzzz…😴…zzzzzz…😴
Americans when taxes are used to help people: 😡😡😡😡😡
I am afraid to ask, but why do you hate society and your fellow countrymen so much? If the idea of taxes being used to help people fills you with so much rage, then I hope you have access to free mental health so you can figure out why you hate people so much
Into the pockets of the 1%. Our entire country is designed for the 1% to fleece every thing we do for their own profit. Thats why our defense budget is out of control. That is why healthcare costs are out of control. That is why we spend the most per student on education with terrible results.
The same shit happens in Russia. The oligarchs steal money from everyone and everything. With Elon Musk on the throne, the US is now every bit as corrupt and broken as Russia is.
Yeah, it probably wasn’t murder, but considering that the US is quickly becoming a fascist oligarcny just like Russia is, and more and more American whistle blowers seem to be mysteriously dying… I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he was murdered. The oligarchs are evil af and any government that can aggressively fund a baby killing genocide is also evil enough to kill people for petty reasons
Yeah, my state capital is a 4 hour drive away. Frankfurt to Berlin is a 3 hour train where you can get work done or read a book. You also can’t get fired in Germany for calling out sick to protest.
The US working class has very little power left. No unions, no solidarity, almost no rights, and no one in government that actually fights for us
We are on day 15, and we are running out of time. We have to make change, or our democracy will be gone.
Our “democracy” has been dead since 2008, when Americans gave the liberal wing of the capitalist party a super majority and full control over the government on the promise that they would give us universal healthcare. But instead they came up with endless excuses not to help us.
A representative democracy that does not represent and help the people who elect them ceases to be a democracy.
Also, having a two headed capitalist party is not a democracy. If we cannot vote for communists or socialists that will actually fight for the proletariat then that isn’t a democracy
So, basically the military industrial complex (which liberals support!) but with less genocide? Don’t get me wrong, I hate Trump and Republicans are clearly the greater evil, but liberals have helped conservatives funnel trillion of dollars in public assets to the 1% for decades. It was under Bill Clinton that the internet, which was publically funded and publicly built, was given to the 1%. So to me, this is just more of the same: capitalist politicians stealing from us to make the 1% wealthier.
I have tried using ReVanced a few times when NewPipe was down, but it never worked for me. Maybe I’ll try it again.
If you think the US will have fair elections again after 4 years then I have some very bad news for you concerning the integrity of Russia’s elections.
That implies that social media is going to be banned; it isn’t. The only thing this ban does is punish Tiktok for allowing content that revealed Israel’s genocide.
The thing about freedom of speech is that we are only allowed speech that doesn’t threaten the interests of the oligarchs. If any speech creates a real movement that threatens the oligarchy then the government takes swift action against it (hence outlawing socialism during the red scare)
Phase 5. True despair: you graduate, apply to 500 jobs over 6 months and get zero job offers
Yes, but it is also a bit scary / dystopian that a $62 billion company would go to such great lengths to have one of their own customers thrown in jail for using the product that he paid for in a way that wasn’t hurting anyone.
2016 was the year that satire died