Carter was a war criminal?
Carter was a war criminal?
Missed opportunity: “Support our dumbness” shoulda said “dumbasses” instead.
That can only lead to dangerous places. Like The Three Stooges…
EDIT: sigh Guess I’m the only one who caught the Short Circuit reference… r/fuckimold
Was gonna say he wouldn’t have to nod along if he didn’t talk to the crazies, but then I remembered it’s precisely what he’s getting paid such absurd amounts to do.
Yet still cheaper to remove - no matter how many Decks you have to do it to.
They’ll accept it, but won’t tell you they ignored everything after character n, and their login page won’t take anything but the “correct” password so you’ll be spending some time figuring out the actual character count limit…
Not to be left behind, the west invests in an even faster next-gen train codenamed “snowpiercer.”
Tomorrow never comes.
I don’t believe this crap for a second - they can afford all the security they need to protect themselves. I think this is an attempt at manipulation to keep us at bay for a while until we cool off & resume living like before this happened, so they can continue doing what they’ve been doing all the while knowing that they shouldn’t push much further for now.
Let’s face it - human attention spans are short, and in three months or so this will be pushed back in most people’s minds as they continue dealing with their day-to-day struggles. This messaging is designed to make us feel “heard” so we wait to see what happens rather than risk our lives on taking further action, but after a while nothing will have changed & it’ll all be the same as before.
I bet there’s still some FORTRAN in use at NASA/JPL.
Alternatively, I’m pretty sure key parts of Excel were written in x86 assembly. Dunno if that’s still true.
Methinks you have too much faith in those wielding the power to demand this. Examples abound of assholes - anyone from forum mods to police officers - abusing their power against those they look down upon. Yeah, it often comes back on them eventually, but not always, and in the meantime the lives of those they target can be made a living hell if they so choose.
“Questionable activity” is an easily abused term for power-tripping assholes. Especially with right-wing politics becoming so prevalent world-wide, it’s easy (for example) to imagine a scenario where a group of LGBTQ+ types are targeted for harassment - being forced to choose between losing their safe haven or outing themselves & putting themselves at risk of far worse.
“Evidence” being so vague and malleable a term that it’s insanely easy to abuse.
Thing is Discord will have no problems getting them to do it. By the time any legal proceedings against it work their way through the legal system, the damage will long since have been done. Discord will have made the money from the data they collected, the AI models will be done, and the need for more pictures will be non-existent.
Does this really surprise anyone? When it comes to respecting the lives of others, what went around was bound to come back around eventually.
I didn’t mean to imply you didn’t have priorities, just that a couple of them seemed to be conflicting. To me, what you described called more for reliability than cutting edge. I understand your concern with getting security updates expediently, but you can get those with less system stability risk using a more standard distro.
I haven’t used a SUSE in a very long time, but as I recall Tumbleweed is an official product of theirs. I’ve not heard of Rhino until now, which gives me pause in considering it - let alone the fact it’s not backed by a known significant team. There’s nothing wrong with that, but when setting up a server like you’re describing I’d rather it not require a significant amount of time at random once I’ve got it up and running, which is what can happen when relying upon less vetted software.
It’s your choice, obviously. Rhino looks like it might make a nice desktop to play with, but I personally would really be hesitant to use it for a server because I just don’t have the time to deal with problems at random - I’ve got enough of those already in my life. Your priorities are obviously different, and there’s no denying the fact that even things going awry on your server can be a plus from a learning perspective. I would really be concerned with the project being abandoned since it’s just a year old, tho.
Good luck whichever way you choose to go.
I’m confused. Your OP seems to describe wanting something stable and “fault-tolerant,” but then you go and ask about an unofficial rolling distro? I think you should figure out what your priorities are first.
I think George Michael’s Freedom hit that mark like three decades ago. Became a huge hit (one of my all-time favorite songs). Still hasn’t changed a thing because the execs don’t care as long as it sells, and they get their money.
The irony considering they’d be doing it with Starlink connections is amusing to consider.