This is great, thank you!
I’ve became used to enabling the play store only when I want to update or install certain specific app. I just leave the play store disable, so I don’t get updates for each an every app that I might not even use.
I just wish there was a way to do this without having to browse the apps menu and find the play store each time.
However, WinRAR in this case is also the one that puts your business at risk.
You should compile a list
Es un script para automatizar descargas?
A few years back I came to the conclusion that the holy trinity in Christianity are three levels of abstraction: the son => God walks on earth and tangible, the father => God in heaven untangible but still reachable by speech, holy spirit => God in who knows where.
Then I thought that as a way of imparting the thought that any level of abstraction of the universe would also be inhabitated by God, those which we can sense, and those where our senses can’t reach. The idea that omniprescense is not only limited to our dimension.
I’m not sure if that is the original meaning but is a way of seeing it that I can relate to, since I’ve always been akeen to a more abstract idea of God, and not so much to a figure that praises itself of thought, which is a human attribute.