Still it would force her to see up close how the disease affects her constuents rather than allow her to pontificate from her office chair
Still it would force her to see up close how the disease affects her constuents rather than allow her to pontificate from her office chair
Hope y’all booted them out
Grab her and plop her down in the middle of one the hotspots and don’t let her out
Number one reason to at least distance oneself from the big G. They shove unwanted shit down your throat despite the loud protesters
Its fucked up vain bullshit. His maggots might like his shitty face in their purses but the sane folks elsewhere should burn it
The demos current lack of action against the monkey business going on now is s loudass tell about how sympathetic they are
People actually use that thing?
Fuck his stupid ass. Keep far far away from him
Do it honey. Make em pay for suckin orange ass
Oddly enough that’s exactly what corporate wants. Mindless drones to do their bidding unquestioned
The madness runs deeper than the figurehead.
Cowardly sycophants giving their “divine” leader his wishes without question
Fox host wouldn’t know a real job if it konked them out
Hate for his employees to suffer for his shitty actions but there it is
Be a great place for some RPG practice
Of course they will.
Stick that seig arm out and well break more,k?
Could also stand for Lazy DumbAss Cat if the pic is any relation
Very touching. Touching also begins in the hand
Let her. It’ll keep her oblivious to the viral mutations that will ping pong off her people until it overcomes her resistance