So a big event without any practical relevance because there is more cheaper, reliable and safer alternatives available?
There is only so much mentoring can do though. You can have the best math prof. You still need to put in the exercise to solve your differential equations to get good at it.
How is it not considered one?!
Ahh the perpetraitor is among the people considered “white”…
Zionism has been in bed with Antisemitism a long time. It uses antisemitic attacks on Jews, who dont want to be affiliated with it and it deliberately ramps up Antisemitism outside of Israel to push for Jews feeling the need for a “safe state”.
Some Jewish scholars and Antizionists consider Zionism to be the second worst detriment to Judaism since the time of the Romans.
Seriously, my first thought was looking forward to the ADL explaining why smiling Hitler denying the Holocaust is not antisemitic since it isnt against Israel or something.
Naah. There is only one real Dakota and the other is the imposter that needs to change the name.
I am sorry, but your ideas about how these things work are ignoring a lot of issues.
First of all you have significant losses in the distribution grid. This is minimized the higher your voltage is, which is why longer range grids run on 110 kV and more. Then you have an intermediate level, typically 20 kV. Finally you get your local distribution with 220/230V. Also “current flowing the other way” does not exist in AC, because the “direction” changes 50x per second.
Then you only have a limited transportation capacity, so moving a lot of electricity from a central plant of course costs a lot of investment and maintenance. The idea that “Transporting it is for all intents and purposes free” is completely out of touch with the reality of the electrical grid.
But it gets worse. The more producers and consumers you have, the more you will need to balance fluctuations in production and consumption. This is why traditional grids were built around having a high baseload, with incentivizing high demand industries to connect, stabilizing demand. For renewables this is completely different, because renewabls will fluctuate. So the more energy you run through the centralized grid, the more short and medium term storages you will need to provide and the more investment and running costs you will have.
You mention this with there being too much production on the local grid and then in another place also needing to react to this. This is not a problem exclusive to local grids. It is a problem for any level of the grid with integrating renewables. Note how the article also mentions the limit of 800W without requiring a permit.
Finally in the long term we need to make the demand more flexible to production. So if the sun shines and the wind blows, household appliances should run, the fridge should cool a bit stronger, and the water heater heats up for the evening shower… Having a responsive demand with millions of agents can easily lead to overshooting, so that the demand spikes up far beyond supply, because every consumer reacts at the same time and it doesn’t temper out.
This problem is much smaller, if every household can directly see their own production and consumption and already limit how much excess goes into, or is demanded.
So microgeneration is part of the solution and not a problem like you make it out to be.
Hard to justify costs? The article quotes 6 years of amortization. I know numbers around 8-10 years in Germany.
Show me any consumer investment, that gives such a good ROI.
Balcony solar is not unsafe though. At least it is not more unsafe than say putting a plant pot on your balcony, or operating power appliances like fridges, stoves, washing machines…
Why are you cooking for yourself at home? It would be more efficient, if you organize a shared kitchen in the house and each evening a different party cooks for everyone in the house.
I think now is a good moment to switch to
Almost as if there is a natural balance if you just leave things be.
Also beavers are pretty cool engineers. They might not just build one dam, but entire systems of dams to achieve the right habitat.
Thats definetely a health hazard. If the water stands long enough to get warm, it will get infected sooner or later.
Doesnt matter so much for the sistance between the main water pipe and your tap, byt after a holiday you should definetly let some water run until it comes out cold again.
The moon landing was fake. Unlike all the blonde hairs of the fox hosts. These are all totally naturally blonde and wavy.
Turns out regulations are good for businesses.
Naah. There is plenty of Gen X, Y, Z who know and plenty of Millenials who dont.
Its just if you wanted to “do stuff with computers” you had to develop some understanding back then.
Today you can “do stuff” like gaming much easier out of the box. So not everyone who “does stuff” knows his way around.
In the office most colleagues of all generations just know how to do their specific things, mostly in MS Office products.
Couldn’t you just handle this with:
breakflag = False
for x in iterator:
if breakcondition(x):
breakflag = True
This is not about kill bots. This is about defining you as a terrorist threat to the US empire because you are friends with someone who criticised them on the internet. And they will wait to bomb you until you are home, so your family is also murdered along side you.
I wonder how they communicated GUI colors then.
draw.set_color(r=0,g=0,b=0) # Adjust text color to very very dark grey
Rovers as opposed to humans. Humans need food, a pressurized, temperated air environment, a discharge for their excrements, a higher level of safety and return mechanisms, much stronger radiation protection…