Is it illegal to have a shit-filled sandwich delivered to one particular bastard, accidentally of course . . .
Is it illegal to have a shit-filled sandwich delivered to one particular bastard, accidentally of course . . .
Man, I wish I could go to bed at 9:30, lol. As I grow older so to does my nightly staring contest with the ceiling
I entirely agree, except I don’t think it has anything to with maximizing profits for Facebook. If it did, then the logical thing to do is whatever gets the most people on the site the fastest, not do something that instantly alienates a massive amount of people. It does have everything to do with maximizing profits for those in charge of running the Facebook show, though. Then it makes perfect sense to align the company with whatever political regime can promise the most bloody money for the new yacht and underage ‘entertainment’.
Also, I genuinely think the Zuck gets off on being a slimy little cunt and is probably really excited right now. Facebook has always been a little too quick to go down the scummy road, even for capitalism.
Honestly didn’t know Facebook even had a fact-checker system. They are pretty explicit in their mission to sow discord and disinformation, it’s basically their whole business model
I hear there is a 9mm solution to this problem
Because most of us can’t afford to get ANY care and our doctors never listen, or when they do listen, they aren’t allowed to provide care unless it makes someone a bunch of money. They make this all a game with our literal lives as the pawns.
I’m just referencing this old classic series lol, no actual judgment here
Game on a Mac, huh? Alan might like a word . . .
Wait, lemme guess, its called “X Studios” and its totally gonna change the world forever!
The word your looking for is extortion
Nice trapezoid
Evolution turned out wildly different in an alternate universe where E comes before C except after I
I was thinking maybe we should just replace all the old cunts with younger and more competent people that actually care about what’s going to happen in twenty years. The parties aren’t really beneficial, it’s time to let them go
Yeah, the article basically calls both political parties a bunch of evil idiotic pricks. Which is pretty fucking accurate, but nobody seems to want to acknowledge this, even here on Lemmy
Must not be cost effective to enslave people in their homes
Didn’t the French have a solution to this problem? Something about heads, or a lack there of.
Lmg, he’ll be exempt from this surveillance along with all his rich ass-hole buddies
I think maybe this whole ‘political’ vs ‘not political’ thing is where we’re getting stuck.
I would argue that at least my part in this thread hasn’t been political at all, but instead a rather simple comment on the character of the two candidates. I’m more concerned with how they conduct themselves as people, not the policies they push as politicians. This is more a question of ethics and morality on human to human level. Your pointing out the ethics of genocide and capitalism. Which are great and completely valid points, but they’re also large nebulous concepts that can rarely ever land fully on the shoulders of one person. Kinda outside the scope of my original comment.
I haven’t brought up any specific details of eithers presidency because I have no meaningful opinions on that front. However, the simple fact that one of them has literally on multiple occasions outright glorified raping women and the other won’t pardon his own son of a serious crime is more than enough for me to put them on completely different shit podiums.
Not at all, I just disagree with you politically.
Kinda hard to know if that’s true considering I still haven’t stated any political opinions. However, since that’s clearly what you want, I think practically every politician (or anyone in a significant position of power) on the planet is a massive fucking tool barely deserving of the title of human, not exactly what I’d call idealism. Trump and Biden may both fit this description, but I’m still not naive enough to put them together on the podium of shitty human beings.
Maybe try not being a creepy little lizzard boi with a hard-on for privacy violation