This is the way.
This is the way.
I’ve had android phones since the G1. The Nexus One was pretty freaking sweet, but my favorite phone of all time was either the Nexus S or the Nexus 5x. The curved screen on the S was great and it fit into the back pocket of my pants “like a glove”.
On a second reading of the comment, I realized you weren’t. My bad, dude.
How do you know it isn’t now? (see: Dead-Internet Theory)
I wouldn’t be trying to use or adapt it; it was more of an intellectual curiosity. I haven’t written scrapers or used Tcl, so, yeah, I would be interested to take a peek :-)
I’d like to write something similar, but I’d probably use Lisp or Python.
Are you willing to share the source for said bot?
If you’re completely new, familiarizing yourself with any guide would be beneficial. A basic search resulted in this and this, which are better than nothing, I suppose. I’d appreciate someone skilled adding their two cents, however, especially concerning common pitfalls and anonymous payment for Usenet providers.
Shillin’ for Pooh again, eh?
Same. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. However, most top Google results are those garbage sites that are definitely not written by humans. I wonder if search will die soon as bots begin to dominate SEO (more than they already do). The search paradigm will definitely have to change.