Just last week I upgraded from an LG V30. It was still running Android 8 and the battery would only last half of a day but I loved that phone.
RIP LG phones, I will miss you.
Just last week I upgraded from an LG V30. It was still running Android 8 and the battery would only last half of a day but I loved that phone.
RIP LG phones, I will miss you.
For what it’s worth I do believe your story only because I have family who have used a very similar “Trump is gonna fix it!” line to me and when I asked what he’d fix their response is “everything!”
I know you’re talking about disposable lighters but the funny thing is that Zippo is from PA. I doubt they still make lighters in PA and also as a company they only survive off nostalgia because their lighters are pretty bad. You can’t leave one sitting in a drawer for more than a few days before the fuel dries up.
I bought a knockoff Zippo lighter insert from China and it’s so much better because it’s sealed and the fluid doesn’t evaporate.
I love your username!
The gas station near me blasts very loud opera music at the area surrounding the building. I think it’s also to prevent kids from loitering as there is a school nearby as well as plenty of homeless.
I’ve just used Ubuntu since the early 2000s. I know people have plenty of grievances with Ubuntu and Canonical but Ubuntu has always just worked for me. There is tons of documentation and the user base is so huge that it’s easy to get questions answered.
I don’t know about OPS but Redacted wasn’t hard to interview into.
I stand up knowing full well that I’m not going anywhere because I’d rather stand in one spot waiting for my turn to get off the plane instead of being crammed in the seat any longer. It’s nice to stretch the legs and back after being stuck in the seat for so long.
But not Signal? I use Signal but I’m not sure I can get my chat groups to use something else.
Which market are people using nowadays? I haven’t kept up to speed over the last few years.
This was gonna be my suggestion as well.
I also go in and prune the library every so often to get rid of my sister in law’s trashy reality TV shows.
Agreed. Polar or Waterloo is where it’s at.
I actually agree with you 100 percent. I really did not like the way Elijah Wood played Frodo. His facial expressions any time he’s in pain or scared just ruin the scene for me.
I can’t speak to any of the newer litter robots as I have a LR1 and an LR2. The only issue I had was with the LR1. The hall effect sensor wore out and I was able to replace it with parts from their site.
I and many people I know swear by the litter robot. Off the top of my head I can think of 5 different households in my social circle with 1 or more litter robots.
For 4 cats you might want two litter robots as they tend to fill up quickly with multiple cats. Or set up the litter robot in addition to a traditional litter box so the cats can choose where to poop.
I switched to FF on mobile a few months back and I finally switched to FF on desktop earlier today.
I had been a chrome user for maybe 15 or 20 years? I don’t actually remember when chrome came out but I started using it shortly after.
I get love letters from my isp whenever I share torrents from public trackers. I’ve never gotten one from a private tracker so I only use private trackers now.
Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre.
I agree with you though I don’t know much of Muse or Radiohead’s discography beyond their hits. I can’t think of any Radiohead song that sounds like Knights of Cydonia or Stockholm Syndrome.
I legitimately don’t understand how people tolerate using the internet without an adblocker just from a usability standpoint.
Some pages are fine but frequently wandering to new pages on the internet is an experience in frustration.
I use an adblocker. I wouldn’t click on an ad even if I could see it.