It might help the readability?
This is the way.
Add in a magnetic charger phone mount and you’re golden in my opinion.
I never see anything like that, my recommendations are all tech, game, or stories from Reddit/etc being read. For that last one I just skip the ai generated voices and try to find people actually doing the reading. Make good background noise.
I wouldn’t be against a bit of soft core porn like you describe, but I go to other sites for that
Agreed. Get them a ChromeOS device, or get a good refurb business class laptop and put ChromeOS flex on it.
Yes it’s not what OP is probably wanting, but this gives them a device that is hard to mess up with a minimum of training.
I am thankful I’ve never seen this (or at least, have not seen it yet).
I have however seen plenty of “app” style webpages over the years, but for a lot of them it makes sense, good examples would be Gmail and web based communication programs (discord in the browser as an example). They have to load a bunch of JavaScript and other resources to function.
Regarding the title thing. Lots of news sites will have multiple titles that get swapped at random. The different wordings increase the click through rate. You might not be interested in title 1,2 or 3, but title 4 gets you to click.
But as for change logs for the actual article, none that I know of. The best you normally see is something like “last edited 5 minutes ago”
Stakeholders that want a payout will demand the data be sold to the highest bidder.
And other companies will probably be interested in said data and willing to buy.
I would like for it to be destroyed as well, but capitalism going to capitalism.
Similar to how companies are reaching to create the death machine from the book “do not create the death machine”, companies are racing to create the “dead internet”, where even if humanity dies, there will still be internet traffic.
Yep, Gucci and Louis Vuitton on the prowl.
Honestly, this does explain why vendors like HP seem to have every possible combo of device available in their business class laptops as Intel CPU options, but it’s sometimes like pulling teeth to get equivalent AMD options.
It’s sometimes a PITA if a client specifically wants an AMD machine for some reason.
If a school provides a device to a student to take home there’s two possible outcomes.
They provide a managed device, and with any management tool, there’s a way to invade privacy, intended or not.
They provide an unmanaged device and get sued by parents for letting their"innocent snowflake" access unwanted content.
In both instances there’s something to legitimately complain about, but I still say the first option is the better one. The problem comes with oversight and auditing on the use of those management tools.
Not to mention that even with the second option of unmanaged devices, invasion of privacy can still occur if students are stupid enough to use the school provided accounts (Google, 365,etc)
Most of the time, technology just makes things happen faster, or at a larger scale.
With “AI” we’re getting both larger and faster at the same time as businesses try and cash in as quickly as possible once they find out that their “LLM” has been trained on data that means it is in permanent idiot mode, can be unlocked with a few words, hallucinates every second response (oh sorry you’re correct raspberry only has 2 R’s in it), or keeps generating completely racist images.
Guess we should change the old saying to if it’s brown lay down, if it’s black put it on snap?
Yarrrrrr indeed
Companies see that as a mistake. They want you on a subscription for life that they can arbitrarily change at any time.
Profits not increasing enough for this quarter? Better cut content, increase prices, increase the number of ads.
Profits increased amazingly this quarter? Better cut content, increase prices, increase the number of ads.
Profits down? Better cut content, increase prices, increase the number of ads, and start adding extra paywalls to some content
They want you to own nothing. Oh you unsubscribed? Sorry even the content you paid extra to unlock was only available while your subscription continued, you will need to start your subscription again and then pay to unlock the content again.
A show isn’t popular enough? Better write it off, pull it from all distribution so you can claim it as a tax write off
They make a bunch of the other chips that go into computer devices, and from what I understand it’s binary blob or nothing for a lot of it?
If you have docker containers and other stuff all on that USB drive I’d really reccomend getting it all off that USB (not just logging) and onto a proper drive of some kind. USB thumb sticks are not reliable long term storage, you will wake up to find the drive failing one day and good chance you lose everything on it with little to no warning.
My guess is log files are being written to it? Might want to install a proper drive internally and redirect log storage. With less activity the USB drive should not heat up anywhere near as much.
I have nextcloudAIO running on a VM with 6 vcpu, 16gb ram. No issues with performance.
The root partition is on an nvme drive, the data partition is on a HDD raid 1 array.
That VM is hosting another few services like nginx proxy manager, Heimdall, and a few other things I forget at the moment.
Never have any issues with performance