This might answer your question
Pretty buttons and the ability to scroll and see all my configs in one window with a single click
Honestly, portainer makes my life so easy
What rss reader are you using? I’ve been using feeder and have like it so far. Also have freshRSS running but don’t use it so much
Let’s just settle on calling it gif here on Lemmy and leave it at that
Can someone explain like I’m 5, how its possible to fit a TB of storage on something so small, and why if its possible to do that are they not used for everything?
Good to know!
From my understanding flashing it will effectively remove the raid capabilities from the card, which then in turn allows Unraid to do its job effortlessly without the potential for weird issues arising, is that correct?
Also before installing Unraid are there any BIOS settings i should make sure are set correctly?