Truth. As an 80s kid / 90s teen, I feel pretty lucky to be alive. I’m grateful for the few times in my life when common sense kicked in, and I said no.
Truth. As an 80s kid / 90s teen, I feel pretty lucky to be alive. I’m grateful for the few times in my life when common sense kicked in, and I said no.
I almost wish our bots would remove bias, unless it’s some kind of persuasive essay. I’m sure there are some out there.
And to be clear, I’m blaming the author, not the bot. It’s just forwarding the sentiment of the author, albeit more succinctly.
Even the tldr bot forwards such a heavy bias into the delivery of this information, I couldn’t even get through it without eye-rolling. I’d like to receive the info, and then be allowed to think for myself.
This isn’t journalism - it’s a thirsty-for-validation, one-sided take on this topic. This proposal may not be viable in a vacuum, but there may be some interesting ideas that can be taken from it, when the reader isn’t being spoonfed the psyche of an author that clearly wants you to agree with them. Like I said - I’d rather either hear both sides fairly, or get the info without it already dripping with the stank of another person’s very negative opinion. Whether or not you agree with me, as long as you’re thinking for yourself, you’re doing it right.
Edited first sentence for clarity.
Apparently, apple applications apply appropriate approvals for the apprehension of appliance appendices.
I have to admit, I’m a tough crowd. I do find some things funny, but rarely does anything affect me more than a faint side-smile. This actually got me pretty good - like, totally off-guard. I hope no one heard me. I don’t like my laugh.
How is this news? I have recall work done on my Honda almost every time I get an oil change. This is a Volvo software update.