The “G” is silent.
The “G” is silent.
Approximately 16% of their revenue or 29% of their profit. I’d take that tradeoff any day.
Is this both sad and funny? Or just one of them? Lol
Someone’s having a bad day.
Does it have a CD Player and can it play MP3’s on CDs?
But my Conservative coworker said it’s all the immigrants’ fault.
Man, that’d feel weird. Lol I don’t want anyone near my butthole.
I wonder what that dummy thought “MD” stood for. Mommy Daddy?
[ in Moss’ voice ] they never remember us!
Just call me Steve.
Noooo… Don’t pull his finger! You’ll regret it!
That main neck can lift 600lbs.
Apparently, there’s no African country that starts with “K.”
And a big long one for spooning…
And wake up in the morning with a headache and can’t move your neck.
Lol that’s what I use! They’re great!
I find this hard to believe…if the guy’s doing analysis, he’d surely know who she was. He’d be a big enough “fan” of running to even start doing analysis. Man, the internet is just full of BS.
Anyway, I’ll pretend this was real and it’s kinda funny.
The wheels really helped!