Lemmy can expect some inbound traffic
Retired IT guy, all-around nuisance
Lemmy can expect some inbound traffic
I’m in my mid 60s and know a few people that never even heard the term “browser extension” before. How they tolerate using the web with no ad blocking is beyond me.
The only options I want are Girl Scout thin mints or peanut butter cookies
Even with an ad blocker, it gets more unusable every year that goes by
I don’t stream much but being disabled, I can’t get to the store so I do order stuff from Amazon. What I’ve seen in the last few years is an influx of Chinese sellers with tons and tons of garbage and all of the reviews are completely worthless, of course.
I can just hear some people going, “WHAT? Are you crazy?”. I was a little tike in the early 60s and the only monitor my mom had was me screaming or the “THUNK” of me falling and hitting the floor.
There was no catalyst specifically but I deleted my shortcuts and uninstalled the app a couple of weeks ago because there just isn’t anything for me on Twitter, X or whatever. Have not gone back since.
As with most property management companies, they’ll just tell you, “Hey if you don’t like it, move”. I think they may have put a small blurb in the apartment complex newsletter a month prior but nobody reads those. Also, I had just upgraded to a phone that had mobile data, otherwise, I could not have used the machines because they no longer had coin slots and the app must connect to the Internet to use it. I also had a large bowl of quarters left over that I ended up using at the car wash… Which will soon be cashless also.
They put Bluetooth in our apartment complex laundromat and if you don’t have a smart phone or Internet service on your phone, you don’t do laundry.
I think the “invisible hand of the market” swats more people than it helps.
How do you know if somebody has Linux on their desktop?… They’ll tell you. I’m currently on Windows 10 Pro but have used a number of different Linux distros since the mid-90s. I also had to have Windows because of work requirements but now that I’m retired, I may go back to Debian or Kali.
People in the US scream about inflation but many of them have no idea how bad it is in other countries. Places where food products are sparse or imported are extremely expensive. There’s not that much stuff we don’t produce or grow in the US.
Grocery prices can vary widely depending on location. The absolute cheapest Walmart ground beef I can get is $4.50 per pound and milk is $3.62 a gallon. Pasta is a $1 pound and eggs are relatively cheap here. Produce has gone through the roof.
I thought that was an exchange between Nietzsche and God, or it used to be. Anyway, I was unaware that the double low-9 quotation mark was even a thing so thanks for that.
Now they can steal all your data even faster
Had no clue you could sell a reddit acct…doesn’t surprise me though.
You have a point but there’s a pretty big difference between something like a statistics textbook and the novel “Dune” for instance. One was specifically written to teach mostly pre-existing ideas and the other was created as entertainment to sell to a wide an audience as possible.
I saved up 14 years worth of karma on Reddit and traded it in for…nothing, because that’s what it’s worth in the real world.
So long and thanks for all the fish!
I’ve been online since the late 80s and the Internet, generally speaking, has gone to shit. I’ve been on Reddit for 16 years and it’s been going down the tubes for a while now. Too many people, overzealous mods and now a soft paywall? Yeah, I’m done.