Oh you’re right, I don’t know why I assumed otherwise…
I do that for open-source videos games, I pay for the steam version to support the creators (Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm : Dark Days Ahead for example). I’m totally fine with it, as long as it’s a one-time fee, no subscription bullshit.
Or at least use an environment variable, it’s not a good practice to have it written in plaintext in your code.
Probably not a good idea to show your API key to everyone…
I recommend taking a look at https://roadmap.sh/. It’s not a course, it’s a website with several “roadmaps” for learning languages or specific fields. There’s plenty of docs and it’s easy to follow!
You should look into curl https://curl.se/
Not a crime if you don’t get caught!
If you want something user-friendly, use Linux Mint. There’s really no reason to choose Ubuntu over this. And for any other use it’s outclassed by other distros, it does not fill a niche. And I personally think that GNOME is crap and quite hideous.
We’re so fucked when Kessler syndrome will be in full effect.
It’s the fastest speed information can go through space, as far as we know. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of space. And a mean a LOT.
Upgraded my Kobo Clara HD internal storage from 8GB to 128GB, so that I can put mangas on it, and installed koreader. Dirt cheap and very enjoyable.
I’m with you there, I carry a small notebook with me everywhere I go and write notes about everything. I remember things that I wrote on paper more easily than inputting them on an app. I guess notetaking apps like logseq has a lot of advantages, like displaying and auto-formatting your notes in a nice way, but for me it’s not really useful. I don’t look at my notes everyday. Also it’s nice to do something without requiring looking at a screen once in a while!
Probably not worth the read anyways. I disable the adblocker to gauge the quality of a website. If it’s a complete ad cluaterfuck, I never go to the website again.
One-time purchase. If I’m buying something, I want to own it. No compromises. Luckily basically every software that I use is free and open-source so I don’t have to worry about that. If I can’t find a particular software for a niche usage, I make it.
And that’s why I use mpv and yt-dlp, folks.
MO2 does work on Linux, I’ve played modded Skyrim extensively on my Steam Deck. Works like a charm! https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer