, every time, everywhere.
Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.
, every time, everywhere.
Yet they still block every single gun control measure that comes up. Have you really not figured out to ignore what they say and pay attention to what they actually do?
Can’t get more braindead than “GOP isn’t pro-gun”
Gaza humanitarian situation
Netanyahu could look directly into the camera and say “I am committing a genocide in Gaza” and they would still refuse to call it a genocide.
Post a picture of your penis
Fuck you.
I’m not voting for Trump so I’m not sure what this has to do with anything.
They aren’t as far right as Trump and his buddies
They’re literally arming a genocide.
This election it’s Harris as the best bet for keeping Republicans from doing serious long term damage to this country.
Just even harder this time, surely that will stop the genocide [that accelerated under and is actively enabled by the very Democratic administration for which you are trying to shame people into voting].
Just remember the Jan 6th people wanted to do the same thing, if for different reasons
Communists and fascists are exactly the same. Look out everyone, the true Politics Understander has arrived!
Good luck on voting your way out of fascism. That’s really working out well for you, isn’t it?
A third party vote is the same as not voting.
Oh my god just shut the fuck up already.
If that’s the case, Trump has informed us that he intends to destroy the region by permitting Netanyahu to eliminate the Palestinians
Harris has promised the exact same thing by promising unwavering support to Israel, just in politer terms that are more palatable to scratched liberals like you.
By not voting for the viable candidate that most aligns with your philosophies, you are increasing the risk of the other candidate’s victory.
The Democrats are not entitled to my vote, nor were they ever entitled to it just because they’re Not Trump. Fuck you, genocide enabler.
I very much agree with this.
No you don’t, because you’re still up and down this thread bootlicking for Biden and Harris, who are as vocally pro-Israel as anyone can possibly be.
Is Iran compelling Israel to commit genocide against Palestine? Are they compelling the US to arm this genocide? What the fuck does this even mean?
I’m well aware of the history of Israel, thanks. Can you explain how the US’s arming Israel for the last 76 years makes it okay for them to continue doing so? It was wrong then, so why isn’t it wrong now?
You can be opposed to Israel’s excessive use of force while still supporting the Biden administration’s actions
No you cannot, because Biden (and the United States broadly, as you’ve been so keen to point out) is the one enabling their excessive use of force.
What we do know is that Iran is an active threat to the United States and other countries and, without Israel as an ally, the world would be under grave threat of international war.
One country in the region is openly murdering women and children, and it isn’t Iran.
You are complicit in genocide.
Ok, what is your strategy then?
Nothing less than the revolutionary overthrow of the corrupt, genocidal US state.
As the old guard gets replaced, the hope is that we bring in more and more liberal people over time.
Remind me of the last time that worked.
Voting third party - waste your vote. Your vote means nothing.
Some democracy you’ve got there, huh?
There is no chance that a third party wins a Presidential election and to think otherwise is naive.
I’m under no illusions that my third party candidate is going to win. The point is to send a message to the Democrats that their unwavering support for genocide is going to cost them votes, maybe even the election. And if it does they have no one but their own genocidal asses to blame.
Vote Republican - we definitely, actively, vocally, and happily continue to endorse Israel and genocide
Who’s arming Israel right now? Who has vowed to continue arming Israel?
Grow a spine and stop supporting genocide.
Common sense means stopping genocide by voting for a pro-genocide candidate
How does enabling genocide prevent world war, exactly? Spell that one out for me, because to my knowledge the previous World War was started by a state who was doing a genocide.
You keep bringing up Trump every time someone points out that Democrats are gleefully enabling genocide, yet no one here has ever expressed the slightest interest for voting for Trump.
You’ll find that it’s not possible for the US to completely pull out of supporting them with military aid.
Why the fuck isn’t it?
Imagine what would have happened if Biden / Congress didn’t continue military contracts
Had you been paying attention to the actual news, you would know that the US has been arming Israel for decades
Okay, and? Israel has been a genocidal colonizer state since its inception. Every previous president who armed them is a war criminal, too.
This is the most complicated international conflict in our lifetime
It really isn’t. Israel is a genocidal settler state living on stolen land. They should be abolished and the land returned to Palestine, its rightful owners. What part of this are you struggling with?
Not because the US supports genocide but because the US supports the destruction of terrorism in the region.
Oh fuck off. You said yourself they only care about Israel because of its position in the region. They don’t give a shit about terrorism, they’ve been actively funding terrorists and destabilizing the region for decades. It’s never been about democracy or fighting terror and you are incredibly naive if you still believe this. It’s only ever been about extracting as much oil from the region as possible as cheaply as possible.
You are choosing the person who is literally saying he wants to destroy Palestine over the person who is “actively arming this genocide”
Excuse me? I’m not choosing shit. Please link to me exactly where I said I was going to vote for Trump. I have never once expressed any interest in voting for him, not in 2016, nor 2020, nor today. No, refusing to vote for Harris is not, in fact, a vote for Trump. That’s not how voting works and you are a literal baby if you think not voting for a specific candidate is inherently a vote for another.
Biden and Blinken are still trying to get a ceasefire and support for a two state solution
They have never been serious about a ceasefire. Biden is still sending Israel all the weapons they need to carry out their extermination campaign. If he was even the smallest bit serious about enforcing a ceasefire he would stop sending them weapons to fire.