Code execution required lmao
Code execution required lmao
I know about the yellow dot thingy. Literally metadata on paper for no reason imo. I highly doubt a person could make a realistic fake through the use of a conventional printer.
In the UK, we don’t even have paper money anymore, it’s plastic… Maybe it’s more of a USA skill issue, too?
If your car gets stolen, get a new one!
I was hoping for lizzards
I’ll seed zucc’s mom and sister.
Just because a post had a special client side flag set doesn’t mean i want to honor it. Let me see the post without logging in ffs.
me fr:
I used to pay for Spotify. One day, got an email saying “uwu, we’re raising our prices again. Sowwyy 🥺👉👈”. The same day I switched to YT after exporting my playlists. I cracked the YouTube Music app with Revanced. Corps will never get anything out of me again.
Remember what Aaron died for?? Spez has become everything that man stood against.
Fuck spez. Fuck censorship. Fuck corps.
I smell a class action if what they’re saying is true
Java isn’t JavaScript in the same way that Ham isn’t a Hamster.
Nextcloud is decent but it depends on what you want. Personally, I’d never use it again due to performance reasons but it’s a decent platform for cloud editing and stuff.
I switched to Syncthing for file management across my devices. With it, I can sync my Joplin notes. It’s all I need in life. It was also easier to set up than a Nextcloud instance.
Payload error
Username checks out
Finally, I’ll have decent teammates in Countrstrike 2.
Welp, quantum computers have certain advantages (finding elements in O(sqrt(n)) time complexity, factorizing primes, etc). The difficulty is actually making everything stable because these machines are pretty complex.
Comment removed or am i dumb? What did it say?
God, it’s so fucking sad but true. I genuinely feel so cheated.
If you care enough to set up, you can use cloudflare. They do some basic caching, certs, ddos protection for free.
7z? You mean xz??