Oh wow, misread this as Stellaris including for the first couple sentences in the article and was so confused
Oh wow, misread this as Stellaris including for the first couple sentences in the article and was so confused
You could make a new filetype, default new versions to it, & not break compatibility. Wouldn’t do anything for existing workbooks, and keep xlsx an option, but “it would break compatibility” is not a be-all end-all argument against this.
I thought they disabled sending mobi files last August? As in, August 2022? Did they postpone it?
For anyone who was confused by what “vote to propose” means:
If the FCC issues the notice as expected on October 19th, the next steps would be a public comment phase followed by issuance of a final rule. This process could result in a final rule restoring net neutrality requirements around spring of 2024.
I’d do it if you could leave fully anonymous reviews. But I’m not about to review products with my real name attached to them, even if it’s just first name.
yeah sounds like an a11y nightmare, now every thumbnail will look like a youtube thumbnail with block letter all-caps words over it
We used to rent movies every weekend when I was a kid, and we supported our local video rental store instead of Blockbuster. It was so much fun to decide what to rent! The staff there always knew so much about movies too, and we’d follow their recs often. We watched a bunch of classics and silent films that there’s no way would get visibility on streaming libraries today. I wish I’d kept a journal of all the movies we watched, I remember almost no titles now.
huh, whatever that is, doesn’t federate to kbin
do you use the swiping function of it? I’ve found that to be TERRIBLE at “prediction based on context” e.g. understanding if I want “if” or “of” it does the one that doesn’t make sense in context. and it doesn’t understand that if I type a word, and then delete it and retype it, maybe it should give me something different the 2nd time around (particularly irritating for if/of).
I once went into the Element support chat asking if it was possible to change my user name color, as I’m pretty closely identified to this username, and I despise the lime green it creates in that client. They said no, and typically I would expect to then be told, “but you can open a ticket in our tracker” or etc. Instead I was told, “use a different client if you want to change your username color (locally).”
Very weird experience.
People used to use this attack in League of Legends a decade ago. If they’re losing, they guess someone might have Skype open; and moreover, that their Skype is the same as their summoner name. Then they get an ip address and ddos the entire lobby, causing the game to crash (I think it happened in one of my games maybe once, but I didn’t really play ranked other than team ranked).
Also, since all pro & semipro players had each other added, this was possible to do at any time during online tournaments (which was most tournaments - TSM invitational etc). So there were always rules that ddossing was disallowed. But it did happen.
Known ddossers were more hated in the community than known flamers, but a few people who did it “reformed” and went on to be pro players anyway.
Also, the part no one ever brings up: No per-program volume control. Ugh. That was so actively irritating until they finally added it (was it in XP? or not until 7?)
I think what they let you do is write mini add-ons using the API and support JS in an in-browser editor. Then you have to enable the add-ons. I guess equivalently you can do the same things with an IDE and any language, but it felt like they “officially” supported JS.
GSheets lets you run python code? I thought they were all js-based
edit: I misread, you’re saying LibreOffice has Python support, nvm
wait when did this get unbundled with netflix itself? totally would’ve picked up a few discs but not worth actually signing up for this to do that lol
paint opens a bit faster, and often I want to just draw some stupid rectangles with 5 words and 4 arrows real quick and screenshot it and say “look here’s the mock-up”
Artemis has this, currently the overall app is in beta & you have to be using an account from artemis.camp (until the kbin api is fully rolled out to all instances)
ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the surface of the Moon
I’ve never been on mastadon, is there actually a difference in functionality? or is it just that they call it “favorite” ? (presumably since Twitter’s
“like” used to be called “favorite” and I’m still a bit mad they changed it to be more Facebook-sounding)
It’s pretty bad because you need to write for multilingual readers, who may not understand the colloquialism “were just that” & can have a difficult time parsing what the pronoun “that” refers to in such a nonstandard and nonlinear sentence.
If this sentence were part of a novel that already has elaborate prose, it would be fine, but in something designed to inform people on the internet you have to keep in mind how varied your audience is.