Considering what happened LITERALLY LESS THAN A CENTURY AGO, you’d think that Israelis wouldn’t act like ACTUAL 21ST CENTURY NAZIS.
Ah that’s very helpful. I never understood why but clearly this guy missed the memo haha
I could never understand why porn sites have a share option, it’s absolutely baffling.
If you look up the practical application of Shadow profiles they have the ability to gather information about non-users, which also includes unborn children in the case of them discovering that the mother is pregnant through whatever web searches that they may be doing even outside of Facebook. The whole science of Shadow profiles used to strengthen the algorithm is incredibly frightening and part of the reason why I left Facebook.
It was that combined with the fact that they create shadow profiles for your unborn child when your wife is pregnant. (Found out through FB being allowed to track your browsing history even off the app). That was the final straw right after the Cambridge Analytica issue.
As a lifelong Zelda fan for the last 3 decades, I felt totally alone in how I felt about BoTW and ToTK. The shrines lost all the character of the original dungeons, and I hated the weapon durability and the introduction of the shiekah tablet and later the ultra hand or whatever. I was annoyed that YET AGAIN, my favorite game became an open world crafter, just like ALL THE OTHER OPEN WORLD CRAFTERS.
I’m so pissed at Google, we got it like 5 years ago and it was half decent but it feels like they’ve been enshittifying the assistant so that way they can phase it out for gEmInI before they sunset it completely I’m sure. 🤮
Wow I heard this one out loud hahaha thank you
Smart move regardless
I heard this louder than literally any other comment I’ve read this year
Something something don’t feed the trolls, even if they’re verifiably unpopular
It came from my crappy keyboards built in gif selection I apologize for the mild epilepsy it looked smoother in the preview