FWIW, the sound they are recreating is a conversation held near the bag not the bag itself crinkling.
Irs early and I haven’t had coffee yet. I had to look it up.
Match Group’s stock is down over 80% from it’s peak in 2021.
Don’t forget us!
Not disagreeing with you. Just making clear that it is actually worse.
A Karen and a cop can’t put someone in jail. It takes a prosecutor, a judge and a jury of her peers.
Blue Ridge Georgia is posh AF
You don’t understand.
Giving money to government officials is just a tip for appreciation and is completely legal
I wish I needed to add a /s, but it is objectively true:
Why is Jack Nicholas catching strays?
Harris Teeter has turned to crap since Kroger bought it.
Weather.gov had the front page downgraded during the Trump administration.
However, if you take a second and put in your ZIP Code and poke around some, it is really freaking good.
And it’s free.
A database of readily blackmailable people who are cheating on their spouses.
That’s big of them
You will be forced to have a mark on your wrist or forehead or you will not be allowed to buy or sell anything.
That was true through the Obama administration.
I don’t know what is going on now.
Airline mechanics used to record reported problems they couldn’t find as:
Joystick actuator error
The only news in that story was that someone tweeted something. That is lazy. They were successful in stealing the clicks from the actual reporter.
Here is the thing. As of last week, Elon marks news that makes Trump look bad as spam (see NPR’s coverage of the Arlington Cemetery debacle).
So now the news stories not marked as spam are the news stories that are “Elon Approved”.
Why are any self respecting journalists still on Twitter hoping to publish things that Elon deems not to be spam.
Why does EVERY article contain links to Twitter?
Seriously. Journalists, do something besides scroll Twitter!
Did you read it?
She and her husband attempted to fight the demand, attempting to buy the implant outright and, as University of Tasmania ethicist and paper coauthor Frederic Gilbert told the Tech Review, remortgaging their house to do so. They were unsuccessful, and she was the last person to get the Neuravista BCI removed.
I just don’t use the smart features. Maybe it’s because I run Pi Hole, but I don’t have any ad issues at all using Apple TV.
There are ads on YouTube TV, the normal ones you find on broadcast TV or cable, and that is all.